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I have just had four sessions of ECT and I feel shockingly depressed and anxious. I am hopeful tht it is the general anaesthetic making me feel so rotten, has anyone heard bad reports of the actual ECT? I have only heard good reports except for memory loss and therefore I am really desperate that it is from the GA and that in a day or two I will feel back to normal. Even though normal wasn't that great it was better than this overwhelming dread and despair.
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Oh- Halo.. i wish i had some knowlidge about this, but i dont.. Are you feeling the same way today? I hope too, this is just a normal reaction, thats really hard, - that it will get better again soon.. maybe its normal as well, that the effect appears first after some days? sorry for not helping much constructive here. Sending you lots of hugs! (((halo)))
Hi Halo,
I've never done ECT but I do have a really weird reaction to General anaesthia especially whatever they use at the oral surgeon. Any time I've gone under at the oral surgeon to have a tooth removed, I wake up and start crying hysterically. I am overwhelmed with this uncontrollable grief, like someone very important to me just died, but it doesn't connect directly to anything. I always end of lying in recovery just sobbing for around an hour or so until I'm calm enough to leave. It really affects my emotions for awhile. And it usually does take a day or so until it feels like I'm really back to normal. I hope you're able to feel better soon.

Hi Halo

I've had ECT before on two separate ocassions.

I initially had uni-lateral ECT before moving to bilateral when I still wasn't feeling better. For me, I never had great results in 4 sessions. I generally had 10-12 sessions.

As the sessions progressed, it was - for me -like the light was being switched back on in my brain. Initially this feeling didn't last long, maybe 1/2 day, but as treatment progressed, I found the good feelings lasted/held longer.

I hope this is of some help.

I'm OK

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