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to any other survivors out there trying to figure out which way is up: You're not alone! it's safe to come back! come back and help me fill this echo-chamber with some lively, thoughtful, empathic discussion once again! it's gonna be okay

to anybody and everybody confused or hurting (((anybody))) (((everybody)))

it's gonna be ok..

we'll survive this storm
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I'm scared and sad and overwhelmed with non-forum life issues right now. I've still been reading, but find myself without words, without feeling I have much to offer anyone. I may be quiet right now, but I'm here. I can't seem to give up, which is good. My whole life has been a lesson on the learning the way of running. Right now, I am practicing the way of waiting and seeing where it takes me. Sorry for my cowardice.
I've been here sharing my journey and offering support and insight where I can. I don't believe we should allow ourselves to be frightened away from something good and helpful in our lives. I've been here for many years and have seen a lot and I'm still here.

The collective voices of this Board are stronger and more resilient than any bad apples trying to stir up distrust and discontent.

I do hope to see everyone posting and sharing again soon.

Reading but not posting a ton. I have learned way too much on this forum to give it up. I am sorry some have forgotten that we are all here to help each other. Do we sometimes get pissed off? Yes we do, but we need to go through that and respect the intent of the forum. I for one am not going anywhere. I need all the help I can get.
I'm not feeling angry, really at all, but mostly, more than any other feeling, I'm terrified of hurting or causing conflict with people accidentally, people I care about and am trying to help.

I guess I'm just feeling kind of toxic right now and it's hard for me to be around people, even virtually, when I get in that place.
I'm sorry I feel I just added to the pain on the forum. I understand that CD has some steady friends here that are missing. I am (or seem to be) a fairly new member. I can cut some slack here.

in RL as Monte says I am feeling uber sensitive right now. Doing a lot of hard work in therapy and struggling hard to make ends meet. So I don't mean to take it out on anyone here.

Okay with that I think I will call it a night.
Turtle, it is totally ok to post your feelings and issues as you have done and keep doing it. Raise whatever you need to and say what you need to what you want to. Sometimes there are quiet times and sometimes not - sometimes a few of us are having bad times and stay away, new people come and go - it is all over the place.

I actually haven't found the board to be any different or quiet to previously. I logged on yesterday - and you have to account for time differences - and no one posted for it seemed like half a day - as everyone at the top of the world was asleep!!! That is always hard for me to cope with. When i need to read things when I am going thru a rough patch and you are all sleepy heads.

Nice to hear from you Monte...

I have noticed I have changed my posting style - I used to create threads but I changed about 6 months ago and I don't know why. Too much exposure, posting anxiety, scared someone IRL will recognise me. I dont know.

What I do know is that I have had a 14 month period of hell and it will continue until the end of this year. I tend not to reach out when I am distressed so me coming to the forum every day, many times a day and all thru the night - is a lifeline for me.

I am glad you posted Turtle because we are all communicating and thinking about the issue
i'm not biased but i think we're an awesome group of people Cool

(((turtle))) if anything was lost, i don't think i suffer any more than anybody here. i have been here longer than you, but time isn't necessarily the measuring cup of what makes up a "steady" friendship. i could write a book on how to avoid just that. please, give yourself more credit...i believe you deserve it more than i.

I don't believe we should allow ourselves to be frightened away from something good and helpful in our lives.

i believe alot of us need to take that to heart. thanks for that quote, (((TN)))

it's nice to see so many people voicing just where they happen to be coming from. s to everybody here.

p.s. (((pings))) (((morgs)))

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