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Hello everyone,

I'm PG's sister. I'm sending this message with a heavy heart. PG passed away over the weekend. She was ill for a short time. She told me she was a member of this forum and asked me to let everyone know if something happened to her. She made me promise. She wanted me to let everyone know because she didn't want people to worry about her or for people to think she just stopped communicating with everyone. She told me everybody on this site are very supportive, compassionate and loving. Thank you all for helping my sister.
I do have a question can somebody tell me how to deactivate my sisters account. Thank you again for caring and helping my sister.
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Preppie Girl's Sister,
I am so sorry for your loss and ours. PG will be very missed. Thank you for taking the time in the middle of dealing with your own loss to let us know. It is comforting to know that PG found support and care here. Please take good care of yourself.

The best way to deactivate your account would be to send a PM to Shrinklady and ask her to do so. If you need help doing that, just ask.

My best wishes that you find some comfort for your grief,

Dear preppie Girls Sister,

Thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to post and let us know about your terrible loss. I want to add my condolances to all the others that will come from all her friends here, she will be very much missed.

I hope you are getting through this difficult time, many thoughts to you too,

Thank you for taking the time during your grief to let us know what happened to PG. I am terribly sorry for your loss. PG will be very much missed here and although I didn't know her personally, I also feel the loss. I will always remember how much she loved ice cream and how supportive she was of me during a very difficult time in my life.

Sincere condolences to you and PG's entire family,
PG’s sister,
oh… I’m so sorry… I don’t even have words… I’ll miss her very much… Thank you for taking the time, in the midst of your own grief, for letting us know.

I feel honored to have known her. She was so kind, fun, sweet, and patient.

Thinking of and praying for you and your family in this time.

Your sister was dearly loved for sure.

Dear Sister of Preppie Girl,

I am so sorry for you and your family's loss. Frowner I have sisters but have never gone through losing one, so I can only imagine your pain. I think it was very kind of you to post here in behalf of PG and honor her wishes, though it must have hurt just to type the words. I did not know PG well, but what I did know of her was all good. Please accept my sympathies. Take care.
Hello, this is PG's sister again.

I feel kind of werid writing in her account but at the same time I feel closer to her being with all of you.
I'm at a loss for words. I have read what everbody has written about my sister. Thank you all for your lovely words and prayers. My family is still in the state of shock. My sister was diagnosed about a month ago with an inoperable brain tumor. She was given about 2 months to live. Although she did not make it to that 2 month mark she fought very hard. In all honesty she thought she would live alot longer. She told me awhile back about this forum. She said everybody was so kind and compassionate and she felt so loved. I had no idea that she had so many loving and caring friends. I should also mention that she was my twin sister. She was born 6 minutes after me. I loved her with all my heart as did our whole family. She had her struggles but fought very hard to overcome her fears. I just wanted to thank everybody again for helping PG and loving her so much. I now know why she made me promise to let everybody on the forum know if something happened to her. She loved everybody so much and enjoyed helping people.
I haven't laughed in days but somebody mentioned something about her love of ice cream. Ice cream was her therapy. She was always trying new flavors and telling me how good they were.

I still haven't figured out how to deactivate her account. I did try to contact the shrinklady but I'm not sure she received my message. If somebody can tell me how to do that I would really appreciate it. Thank you all again.
Hi PG’s sis,
Oh, that is just awful. I’m so sorry for your loss. She was really loved here by all. She helped me in immeasurable ways.

Deactivating the account isn’t something needed to be done urgently or anything, so please don’t feel pressure there from us. Shrinklady would be the best to know how to do that. Let me look something up though and see if I can find the way through live cloud.

Please know you are welcome here too. Please don't feel responsible to respond or not respond. Do what fits and works for you in this tough time. I am just so touched she took the time to tell you of this forum community and you took the time to tell us.

You had an amazing twin sister.


p.s. I enjoyed a new blueberry lemon flavored ice cream at my fav ice cream shop today with a friend to remember her. It was truly theraputic. :-)

p.p.s. edited to add:
We all login in through Live Cloud. I found this here:

"How do I cancel my LiveCloud account?

To cancel your LiveCloud account, email us at You must email us from the email address of record (same email you signed up with), and include your User ID..."

But Shrinklady would probably be your best bet. I don't know how quickly she responds typically, but she should get it soon.
Last edited by janedoe
Dear ((jane)) and ((draggers))
aren't you too wonderful - that's a magnificent offer to preppie' sister!!

PG's sister - maybe you could leave the account open for a while - many here have intimate knowledge of the grieving process and would be honoured to help where possible!!

I'm so sorry that she and the family didn't get that 2 months - it must be particularly difficult losing a twin - I just can't imagine the grief.

My dog and I have had ice cream tonight - doesn't happen often - PG would be bored as it was just vanilla!!!

Take care
I haven't laughed in days but somebody mentioned something about her love of ice cream. Ice cream was her therapy. She was always trying new flavors and telling me how good they were.

Hi PG's sister... that was me who wrote about the ice cream. I am a ice cream lover although not as adventurous as dear PG was with flavors. I'm glad I made you smile with a fond memory of your sister.

I'm so sad to hear what happened to her and that she had so little time. I cannot imagine the shock and grief your family is dealing with. As Draggers has said, please feel free to join us under your own name as you may find some comfort and support here with us. Many here are dealing with all kinds of grief and it's not something we shy away from as others may do on the outside. You can feel free here to express all your feelings.

Do whatever makes you feel comfortable but know you are welcome here.

True North
dear PG's sister,
i am heartbroken for your loss and we will miss her very very much. how incredibly touching that she thought of her friends here and entrusted you to say goodbye on her behalf.

i hope you have the support around you that you need. if you need any more, you can always come here (but i do understand if that is too painful for you)

i am so truly sorry you lost your twin sister, i hope you will be able to feel that she will always still be with you, for she is a part of you. i am sure you have lots of wonderful memories and i hope they bring you comfort.

lots of love,
Dear PG's sister,

I’m so sorry for you and your family's loss.
You are so kind to honor your dear sister's wish to let as all know about the loss of your dear sister. She was a wonderful caring and kind person! She will be sorely missed here but she will always be remembered!
My prayers for you and your family through this terrible loss.

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