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Hi there guys, just joined here a few minutes ago after finding this place on the internet after looking for a counseling forum.

Basically, I'm writing here right now in the hope that someone... anyone... would hear me out with what I'm going through right now, hopefully easing out even some of the pain I'm feeling right now.

Before anything else, I'd like to admit first that most of what I'm experiencing right now is a direct result of what recent decisions I have made in my life, and also a result of me undergoing the process of me digging myself out of the pit I unwittingly put myself in.

I'm having a lot of problems with my self-esteem and confidence, which is so shot right now that I can swear it's practically not there anymore. The way I am now, I think I'm absolutely worthless in anything I do. I find myself in constant despair over my future, and increasingly isolated, without anyone there to support me, to turn to, or to care about me even.
It gets so bad at times that sometimes thoughts of dying are the only things that can calm me down, though the very thought also does bother me when it does arise.

Like I mentioned earlier, a huge chunk of what I'm going through right now is a direct result of the recent decisions I have made in my life.
I'm a licensed RN, but the thing is, I'd rather not practice the profession. Don't get me wrong, I hold it in very high esteem, and I absolutely get that this profession would put me really well off for the rest of my life, but I don't really feel that this career is the right one for me.

After saying all this, I bet you guys would ask... why then did I become a RN in the first place then if I didn't want to become one after all?
First of all, I believe my personality isn't really suited for this sort of career where you have to cater and give support to every whim and ailment of every human being given to your care, which I admit was something I had clearly overlooked back when I had to select a course of study when I was about to enter college at the age of 15 (I was accelerated a few grades and ended up going to college earlier than most of my peers).

I went throughout college studying for Nursing only because of the idea of financial gain and stability, and the egging on of my family about how rewarding it would be in the end. At first I thought as well that I wanted this to be my lifelong career as well, but it became more apparent to me as my studies went on that this wasn't really my true calling.
In the end however though, I just put off my misgivings about it because I thought my negative feelings about it would go away with time, and that I couldn't really afford the extra time, money, and disappointment from my family that would come with switching of courses.

I eventually graduated and achieved my licenses for practice relatively fast, and started working immediately. However, about 3 months into my job, I slowly started to fully realize that Nursing really wasn't my calling, as I began questioning myself what the hell I was doing in the hospital, and I started appearing at work listless and depressed. This scared me the most, because I knew that this sort of mental status reflects on how you do your work, something which I couldn't really afford as well when dealing with really sick or disabled people.
Eventually, I told myself that I had to get out of it while I still could at my young age, and pursue another career that would have more meaning to me.

After quitting that job, I decided to move on forward and never look back again. I consider that decision I made to be the bravest and the first real risky one I have ever made in my life, as all I've ever done before was play it safe and just walk along the path others have already set up for me. At first, I thought it myself crazy for actually going through with it, but the results were immediate as I felt a general feeling of elation at the thought that I was finally going to be able to decide for myself what I wanted to do for a career.

Unfortunately though, my family only saw that decision as a really insane and reckless decision, and nothing else. I can't really blame them for thinking that, since I initially thought that way also, but I knew what I was getting into, and was prepared to take responsibility for it.
Since then, almost everyone in my family has subjected me to tirades of belittlement and disparaging comments, something which continues to this day, and something which has effectively devastated me inside.

I was expecting the strong resistance to my decision from my family to begin with, but I feel right now that I'm needlessly being kicked while I'm still literally at the lowest point of my life right now, where I'm working menial jobs right now to try to save up to try to get back into school and put myself in a better position of my choosing.

I'm getting treated right now as a failed investment by my family because I effectively couldn't contribute a meaningful income to the household anymore after quitting my nursing job. After being treated as the golden boy of the family for much of my life as the first born with an exciting future, I feel like such a bust and a disappointment now compared to my brothers, who are getting explicit reminders now from my parents not to tread down the "path of insecurity" as I did.
I also keep getting peppered with comments like "Look at your cousin working as a nurse right now, he makes 40 dollars an hour, is living on his own, and all you're making right now is minimum wage".

Getting treated as such has demoralized me already so much already. It gets no better also at my current job right now, where I get ridiculed and belittled constantly by the very person training me there. It seems that everywhere I turn now, someone right there is against me, waiting for their chance to pin me back to the ground and spit at me.
The very family that I'd be very happy to get any smidge of emotional support whatsoever in spite of their disappointment offers me no such thing. I'd tell them about it, but all I'd get in reply is "You should've thought about that before you did what you did".
I feel like I'm such an eyesore now on my own family, and would gladly disown myself from it if it would make them happy again about all of this. It just pains me to no end with how this is going.

Anyway, that's my story. Admittedly, typing all that here has helped me quell some of the pain I'm feeling right now, since I'm essentially simulating the feeling of directly telling my situation to someone right now. I know this may not fix anything, but I just wanted to somehow put this out there to anyone who would listen. My support group as of now is pretty non-existent, since most of my really close friends have already moved away, and I'm usually a person who keeps to myself at work or in public, so joining this forum does it for me right now.

Hopefully, I'll be able to find some kind persons here in this community to share stories with, or share some advice with as well. Thanks all for having me here.
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Hi there Heather (Z), thanks for welcoming me!

As for your question, I have a firm resolve right now to get into a career related into computers right now, which I am really familiar with. Right now, I'm aiming for a win-win situation getting into a career where I can combine both my love for computers with knowledge I have accrued from my college days, such as as medical coding/billing or a clinical lab technician.
Hi FrankB,

Welcome from another not quite newbie.

Could you utilize your training in the nursing field with the computer field? And, I am not thinking the coding stuff, either, as I don't think that pays all that well; although I could be wrong on that.

I wouldn't worry too much about what all the other people in your life are saying. You are the one who is dealing with the things in your chosen field that you do not like. Better to get out now than spend your life doing something that you hate only because you have that investment in time and money.

Good luck with what you decide to do and write back if you would like to talk.

I am probably not the brightest bulb on the tree but I am a good listener and sometimes that is what a person needs. Lorena
Hi Frank and welcome. I think you've already gotten some good advice here. I think it is important that you follow your dreams and pursue what you want to do in life...what makes you happy. I know it's hard to hear all the critics making you feel like a failure but that is so not true. You were a success in nursing but it is just not your life's passion. It would be kinder to the future patients and to yourself to change professions. Believe me this is easier to do when you are young. Take it from someone who did not pursue what she really wanted to do and instead spent her life in a "job" that is/was unfulfilling.

I'm sorry this is so hard for you and that you have no family support. Feel free to keep posting here and I know you will find the support that you need.

Hi Frank and welcome to the forum. I'm so sorry for what you're dealing with, I know the difficulty of not having your family support us. They should be the ones to lend us understanding and support and it can be difficult when that happens. But know that when we try to change and go against family patterns we can experience very strong "pushback" that pressure that tells you to get back in line and do what's expected of you. When you step outside the lines, it throws into question what everyone else is doing and that can be painful and scary in the extreme and too hard for a lot of people to face. So what I would want you to know is that your family's reactions to your choices says SO much more about them than it does about you.

As for the choices you've made, I am incredibly impressed. Being able to face that you made the wrong choice and wouldn't be happy and taking the even harder step of starting over is something that so few people could do. I think it's very brave of you to do this. And I very much believe that you're making the right choice. My husband became an engineer almost 30 years ago because that was what was "expected" of him. He's made extremely good money doing so but has never really enjoyed what's he done. He's spent a lot of miserable years, sacrificially going to a job that he has sometimes hated in order to take care of our family. The day my younger daughter graduates is the day he resigns so he can go do something he loves. We've often talked about the fact that he wishes he would have thought more about what HE wanted, and what he would have enjoyed rather than what everyone expected him to do. So from the point of view of my experience, I think you have chosen a difficult but very wise path. You deserve to be who you are even if the people closet to you can't understand that. I hope you can find the support you need here. I'm looking forward to getting to know you.

Hi FrankB
I'm new here as well.
I also kind of did not what was expected from me, but I didn't really have to deal with the kind of pressure you had to. Since I am not really good at offering good advices or comforting people I just want to wish you good luck with whatever you will undertake. Hope you will find your path and your place.

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