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we made it back from our holiday where we were using my sister's house (she's away). unfortunately it rained a lot! but we did go to a butterfly sanctuary, and the sandcastle competition on the beach, had some cookouts roasing marshmellows in her backyard, to the beach for a picnic, and on a long drive up the coast. it was great fun!

the trouble is that she's very particular about her house... and it looks like a museum instead of a place to 'live'. we had to be very particular with keeping it clean and tidy. and that in istself was stressful! also felt a bit jealous of her going on such a big holiday 9to Europe) and having a much bigger house than us... but i suppose it's all in priorities in a way.

we stayed home with the kids isntead of putting them in daycare, and also we have 4 kids while she has 2... and, living on Vancouver Is. is very inconvenient (as well as cheaper in lots of ways)

so anyhow, it's nice to be home to our small, messy, cozy little house.

Original Post
Glad to hear you had some fun, although I can definitely see where having to keep the house perfect would be stressful. I'm domestically challenged, total geek but a lousy housekeeper. And I think you actually put your priorities in the right place. Money can't replace being there for your children. So, using my scale, you're more successful! And your small, messy, cozy little house sounds a lot more like a home to me. And one which I'd much rather visit! Big Grin


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