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So, realizing there is a holiday coming up, and it falls on a Monday, which is one of the two days T is in my area, I decided to text him tonight to find out if it meant we wouldn't have a session that week, because little kids are already panicking at the possibility of a whole week without seeing T in person, which is ironic, because seeing T in person often completely screws my system.

T hasn't been responding to my other texts today, which is fine, because they are just updates on how I'm doing. He said he doesn't know his family's plans yet, but it's possible we could still meet Tuesday...but he also does not have his schedule worked out yet (which I knew, because he never does until the Friday or Sunday before). He apologized. Said that either way, we will still have texting and our Friday phone call.

A variety of internal reaction to him, so I crafted a reply that tried to honor most of it, saying "I'd be very pleased if it works out for us to meet Tue! It will be hard, but I understand if it doesn't work out & will prepare myself for that eventuality. As always, thank you so much for making yourself so available to me via text & phone sessions & for respecting how hard this stuff is for me."

The parts I didn't include?

F--- you for only being in my area Monday and Tuesday when so many holidays are celebrated on Mondays.

Why the hell don't you ever have your schedule together? I must be your only psychotically dependent patient who feels like she'll die if she doesn't see you. I bet I text you more than all of your other clients and your family and friends combined. I f---ing hate myself now.

Hrm...maybe I could drive a couple of hours to make sure I get to see you.

Haha, he doesn't need to know those parts, right? Wink
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(((DF))) Thanks for understanding. I think I could have a regular slot if I were willing to do a morning or early afternoon appointment...I haven't confirmed that, though. I just don't find myself up for it. For a phone session, it's not ideal, but it's OK, because my system doesn't get as activated if I don't have to see him (or avoid seeing him, considering it's hard for me to look at him if we are talking about anything that means anything to me). Even still, if we have an intense conversation, I tend to either have dissociation afterward (like last Friday) or be stuck just processing in my head. So, for the sake of Boo, I ask him for evenings. Also, it's easier for me to deal with the fact that I might have to go into my car and cry (since I can't cry in front of him, really), if I know it will be dark and the parking lot will be empty after, LOL. When I was doing 4pm appointments, it was hard to come home and be Mommy and it was also hard to share anything that might upset me at all knowing I had to go home and be Mommy right away. That said, T actually knows (from me) how hard last minute scheduling is on me and always apologizes that his only being in my area two days means he is always trying to put together puzzle pieces to fit in everyone who needs to see him that week. Also, I have asked him if he ever gets a regular evening slot 7-9pm start time, if I could have it. He doesn't anticipate any of those people surrendering those slots any time soon, but I'm thankful that he always makes time for me late in the evening, considering all the other people who take those slots actually have jobs during the day (whereas I work, but not everyday, and would just have to pay a babysitter to go earlier).

As far as only being in my area on Monday/Tuesday, that he really can't help, so I don't see the point in letting loose on that. But it hurts that if I have a crisis on a Wednesday through Friday, he's basically just not available to me. I can text as much as I like, but I can't really expect a response there either. He has been better about responding, in general, though...especially when I'm freaking out. Smiler

I don't think I really have anger about T's vacations (yet), just his not not giving me tons of advance warning about it. Wink Like, I need to plan out how to deal with his absence, LOL. Wow, how did I ever live my life for 29.5 years before I started seeing him. Ugh. I think I can deal with missing just the one session if I have to. I think H will have the day off, so we could do family time with Boo and that would definitely make it easier. Smiler

I'm sorry your schedule is also being disrupted. I get that obsessive planning, checking when appointments are thing. I really do. I usually have a really good memory for that type of stuff, but I still always thinking I am going to miss something...
I know how you feel about Monday holidays. Here in Canada we have a holiday next monday and I usually see my T on Mondays and Wednesdays. He offered me Tuesday morning at 9am (which I can't do because I have another appointment then) but he didn't discuss it until the end of my session last night so no makeup appointment for me. I shoudn't be so upset because it is only a week until next wednesday but he usually is much earlier with the scheduling and finds a way to make it work. It makes me feel like he either doesn't think I need 2 appointments a week or is tired of me so he didn't bother try to schedule it earlier. I also didn't say anything so it is my fault.

sorry to hijack this thread but I'm feeling sorry for myself.
(((incognito))) I'm sorry your T wasn't on the ball with his scheduling this time. I'm sure it has nothing to do with you, or how he feels about you, evaluates your needs, etc. That's easy for me to say from the outside, but I feel the same way any time my T does something out of character in his interactions with me. I feel like it must be related to me. Like, he ALWAYS runs late and starts my session at least 10 minutes late, sometimes 20. Last week, he came out at 9:15 and said, "I need a bit more time to wrap up...OK?" It freaked me out. Why is he coming out here? Is something different this week? Does he see me as so weak and vulnerable, because I share all my ridiculous projections (ha, like this one), that he has to come and notify me that needs five more minutes? I felt like crap...

I normally have my session on Mondays, so that's going to be different for me, too. She told me this Monday that she'd be gone until the 31st, then said she'd actually be back late on the 30th, so I don't know if that means that she's not having sessions on Tuesday or what. I really feel for you, Yaku, since it has to be hard that he's only in town on Mondays and Tuesdays. I agree with STRM about why he came out to tell you he needed more time. I think my T would probably do the same thing in that situation.

Hugs to everyone having to deal with breaks like these. (((hugs)))
(((STRM))) (((Kashley)))

Wow, wondering if I'm triggering people, since so many of us are out a Monday appointment soon. Sorry, if so!

The thing is that my T has NEVER come out and let me know he is running late. He has texted for phone sessions, but this is the first time he has ever done it for office sessions. So, I'm sitting here thinking, "What is so different right now?" and the only thing I can think of is I really have been dealing with a lot lately, more fragile, and the week before I had a serious bad after-session reaction that he knew about, so I figured maybe T just thinks I am cracking up or something...
Yeah, I wonder if she is wanting you to initiate that conversation for some reason? That's the only thing I can think of. Like, I have a woman at our church who when I used to tell all the parents not to say "I missed you" when they picked up their infant/toddler, because they the kid will think, "Oh, I was supposed to miss mom!" She said to say, "I'm so happy to see you," instead. She was an elementary school teacher, so maybe she knew what she was talking about, but I always thought that if I said, "I missed you," I was teaching my kid to verbalize the feeling they had probably had when I was gone.

I dunno...

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