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Regular normal routine sounds good and safe to me now. Getting through the holidays without oldT was really difficult and painful. Yesterday was the worst. And oddly enough he didn't go away this year like the past two Christmas seasons and I would have been able to see him.

NewT also did not go away for Christmas and that has been really a good thing for me helping me through this time. I saw him last Thursday and will see him on Monday and am looking forward to it.

To those of you who are getting closer to "T-time" I'm glad the waiting period is over and that you all made it through. It's so helpful to have this forum and others to wait with when things get really hard.


I am so glad you can't cancel your appointment!!! Sometimes the hardest ones to go to can also turn out to be the most important. DF, a lot of people struggle around this time of year. (Heck, I struggle anytime of year.) It can be a really sucky time of year. Why do you think your T can't help?


EESH, DF, I can see why you don't want to talk to her about it! I read an article recently about how everyone wants to push pills to get rid of our emotional pain. But that sometimes, you really have to feel what you are feeling. And, life IS hard. And it's okay not to be okay all the time. I know sometimes I think everyone else is out there having fun and I'm the only one not having feeling good and having fun. But I also know that's not true. And anyone who tells you life isn't hard sometimes is full of it. You're entitled to feel, DF.


STRM and Marsh,

Oh it has to be hard to have a break like that. I'm sure you're both glad life will be going back to "normal" soon!!!! Are you both in college???? I used to despise the breaks and the lack of control I felt when I was in college. Are ya'all able to stay with the same T year after year while you're in school?

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