My T and I frequently check in on our relationship
Hi STRM, That is a great idea! I think that is what my T tries to do, but I always took it as if he just throws out some random thing- and I usually ignore his seemingly random stuff, I guess he is searching. I must pay closer attention to this. usally when he does this- I think he is losing it, or wonder "now where did that come from?" then I ignore it.
"NOT saying anything eventually blocks the way forward." _BY SG
That is amazingly true. This is precisely why I took the risk.
"I'm struggling with this question of honesty at the moment."
Jones- what a huge decision to make, that is a tough one, I wish I couldsay something to help, but me being such a dam people pleaser, ( and a coward)I would just write a letter of goodbye. I am not suggesting that though. The first time I fired mark, I wrote him a 10 page letter- saying goodbye among other things, and found the letter writing to be the most helpful for me. I have been doing that ever since. I wish you the best!
Forlorn- Love the idea of radical honesty, but I would want my T to be radically honest with me too... I think... ok- maybe not. I will read your link as soon as I finish my post.
If I don't write stuff down, I spend too much time with surface chit chat.
"write about how therapy is going for me" Thanks for that, Deeply rooted, - I just might do just that
"But sometimes I don't tell her everything when I reply, usually because the reply is difficult in some way. And usually I want to tell her and sit doing battle with myself." Hey starfish- I can relate to this. My T says that I don't have to tell him everything, so sometimes I go with that.
Thanks for the welcome back, LL.
"It’s the focus of the therapy rather than a once-in-a-while air clearing thing" - and that is so liberating"
That sounds wonderful to me. If I had the guts, I would suggest that to him- I am sure he would go for it- but I am short on those kind of guts. An occasional bold- maybe but us being the focus, whew!
I hope this continues to work for you, LL!
Hi Jill- interesting question- about the core.
"but, with this need to please others, and all my other walls, i don't really know if there is anything there!!??
how do you know when you are down to the core?"
Of course there is stuff there- tearing down the walls and allowing yourself to be vunerable is the hardest thing I have ever done. Not doing this impedes my honesty, then I feel like I am wasting my money. I told Mark to push me. to make me do the work because I would feel right at home sitting and chit- chating with him (in fact I did that- another thing that led to this post)
He said- Know thyself- that is the core. I responded with which self? And he laughed. (I think it was a nervous laugh, though)
Thanks all- this was good, and it helped me to see that without the honesty, I am just spinning my wheels, and he is just telling me what he thinks I want to hear. If I do not share my fears and beliefs, my guts- honestly,then he can't help me.