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As if I haven't had enough going on lately, I've had some nagging emotions/thoughts about hope. I just thought I'd share these here because I know a lot of us struggle, at the root of our issues, with letting go of the hope that we will one day get what we need from either our parents or some perfect parental replacement.

I watched this show the other night about people who have just randomly gone missing (it's non-fiction). The particular episode I was watching centered around an interview of a woman, who at the age of 5 or so, lost her mother. She never knew what happened to her mother and was told that her mother just left and never came back. She continued growing up as if nothing happened, no one in her family ever talked about it. It was simply as if her mother was there one day and gone the next.

She talked about how she used to come home from school and just sit on the front porch swing and wait for her mother to come home or drive by or SOMETHING. It was extremely sad, but she told the story almost as if it was happening to someone else (as I'm sure most of us tell our stories).

What struck me most was how sad I was for this woman. I mean, how awful, right? Of course, her bastard father was a suspect in her mother's disappearance, but as a little girl, she couldn't comprehend that. Plus, he was raising her! How could she possibly hold on to the idea that he could have done anything?

But in my sadness and general upset about the whole situation (I really should find something a little less provocative to watch!), I realized that I was also very jealous of this woman... of the younger her. What an awful thing so say! But it's true, I was jealous of this little girl whose mother disappeared. After I thought about it for a bit, I realized that I was jealous of her because she got to hope, for so long, that her mother- this wonderful, idealized, 5-year-old version of her mother- would one day come back for her. She hoped and prayed and waited for something that was actually possible! Was it likely that her mother would return? Not at all. But she got to spend 35 years of he life HOPING that her mother would come back and love her again... and be a mother again... and be interested in her again.

I can't have that hope. I will never get what I was supposed to get from my mother. And that's what's so hard to grieve... the fact that no matter how good I am or how well I do in life or what grades I get or how hard I bust my ass at work or how loved I am, I will never have a mother who loved me enough to be 'good enough'. I have the choice to sit here amidst my other relatives, in this ridiculous land of dilusion and denial, OR I can choose to give up the hope that I will ever be good enough to make a mother love me or be proud of me. I have to choose to quit hoping that a mother will ever comfort me... but it feels so endless. This illusion of hope feels better- feels safer- than this pain, sadness, disappointment, grief and anguish I feel. I want something to hope for. I want to sit on the porch and wait for my mommy to come home and take care of me. I want to be hugged and loved and cherished and adored and sacrificed for.

But if I hold on to this hope, I can't live in reality. The truth is that there is no mother coming back for me. I can sit on this proverbial porch swing until I die, but there my mother will never come. There sure have been plenty of look-alikes, but none of them are her and none of them ever will be her. That alone makes me want to cry forever. It makes me never want to have a child of my own. It makes me want to shut the world out and die.

Well, the girl's mom never did come back- her husband- the little girl's father- killed her and hid her under the house. I guess if the mother had mysteriously come back after all those years, she couldn't have been all that her daughter needed at that point anyway. If mother had come back, they couldn't have just picked up where they left of at 5. I mean, you can't just skip over the fact that the mom had been gone and the little girl had been hurt/abandoned.

And I guess if my t were here, she'd say that I do have something to hope for; that I can hope that I will one day see that I have everything I need within me, that I don't need someone else to do it. But, fuck, I hate that so much. I WANT someone else to do it, damnit!!!! I took care of myself when I was little, I want someone to do it for me now! I don't care what I do or don't have within me, I want to be taken care of and I want a mommy!

Ok, I guess I'll stop whining now. Thanks for reading. And btw, I mean no disrespect to anyone who's mother did disappear. I don't mean to suggest that that kind of life would be all roses, by any means! I don't think of these kinds of situations in terms of easier or harder or better or worse, I just know for me, I would like to be able to hope for a mother.

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Ugh, CT, this post is right on the money for me at the moment. Frowner My T is suggesting I stop acting like things are going to change between me and my husband and just work with the reality. To me that is like giving up that hope of a different life - that pathetic, ill-founded illusion.

When I was a teenager my older brother and I left home at the same time. Things had been really rough at home and for me at least it was all just too much. I remember seeing him off at the airport and being overwhelmed with horrible uncontrollable sobs. All I could think was "it's over. that's it. that was our childhood. we are actually NEVER going to be a happy family. no more chances."

So, I get what you're saying here. I'm sorry I don't have anything positive to say about it - I feel like I'm just at the edge of starting to deal with this kind of thing. But I hear ya. And the pain and hurt and anger of wanting someone else to actually be there for you, when you KNOW you were shortchanged? I don't know how we are supposed to ever give up this hope or this deep, deep longing. Blah. Commiserations.

I know how you feel about this. You are right about what you said in your post. I have got the chance to somewhat be on both sides. My mom that adopted me when I was 2 died when I was five. I had no idea what happened to my first mom and always waited for her to come back and get me. I always assumed she loved me and this was all just a mistake. I hope for that for years until I met her and my father a few years ago, they wanted us back in their lives but wanted to treat us like crap like they did when we were younger. My mom that died all I can remember is how perfect she was. I am sure she had some faults but coming from a five year olds view she was the perfect mom. I spent the last year of her life with her at home cause I was to young to go to school while my 4 brothers and sisters where at school so I got really close to her and I dont ever remember getting in trouble or feeling like she got angry at me, all I can remember are the good times. When she died I was to young to understand she was dead and when seeing her in the casket I remember thinking she was asleep and wanting to get in there with her because I always slept with her and I remember everyone holding me back and not letting me. That is one picture and memory I can never forget.
Than I got this step mom who wanted barely anything to do with us. She did not take good care of us and always yelled at us and my dad changed the way he acted after my mom died. I felt so alone and abandoned for the rest of the time I lived with my parents. I have not even began to deal with this in therapy but will probably need to at some point.
But I do feel somewhat luckier than most people because I did have that perfect mom and I could recreate what life would have been like if she hadnt of died. I spent my childhood pretending like I was coming home to her instead of the people I was really coming home to. It was the only way I made it through, and most people dont even have that much. I know my childhood was horrible and there was abuse starting at 2 months old, but at least I had one good person to hold onto to get me through all of it.

The hard part now is that its coming up on the date my mom died, its just a month a way and I always have a hard time dealing with it. But on a good note, I get to see my P on Tuesday and cant wait to talk to him. He is back in town and being more supportive and answering calls and texts again and I am bugging him way too much again. And I started with a new therapist who I will see weekly so maybe I can start dealing with all this and the other junk in my life.
Well, I'm really sorry for you guys loosing your mums. When I was a child I think I imagined that the worst thing that could happen to me would be to loose my mum. She wasn't perfect, she did her best I suppose but I felt very lonely throughout my childhood for some reason. I wondered sometimes if she loved me. I didn't quite feel loved. But she was there more or less.

I think for me is more about the father. Very early I became very distant to him. He was not the person you would like to be close too. I didn't care about him and just tried to ignore him and stay away from him as much as possible.
I think it's coming back to me now. Sometimes when I see fathers with their childern I feel envious and sad. What it would be like to look at a father with love and admiration? What it would be like to be held by him or mess around with him? I don't remember any of it. Sometimes I see my T as the perfect, strong father, although he's the same age as me. What it would be like to have a father? From what I see around there is so few people to have good fathers. That is so sad.
I understand the dad part too. My biological dad was the one who let the abuse happen. He actually let my uncle pay him to sexually abuse me starting at 2 months old. My dad that adopted me is a good guy he just doesnt know how to be a good father. To him the way to be close to us kids is through money. He makes lots of money and buys us gas for our cars every time we see him or takes us out to eat. Even when we go visit him now that we are older he is always gone while we are there except at meal times when he calls to tell us to meet him somewhere cause he wants to buy us dinner. I dont remember spending much time with him. He worked one week on one week off as a pilot when I was growing up so he was only home every other week and while he was home he ran an internet business every night. He was never abusive or did anything horribly wrong, we just were never close and I didnt ever spend much time with him. He put most of his attention on my sister.

I look at older men with their kids and wish that was me. That is why I transference issues with so many older me that have come into my life. Almost any man that would give me attention and seemed interested in taking care of me I would fall in love with. I have erotic transference towards my psychiatrist. I am so in love with him and think about having sex with. And it is easier for me to tell him that than for me to tell him that even though I think that way about him that the times I get most jealous of him is when I see a picture of hugging one of his kids, or the time I drove past his house and he was playing catch with his son in the front yard. Its easier for me to tell him that I want to have sex with him or think about having sex with him than it is for me to say that I want a hug and think about what it would be like to get a hug from him. It is just more scary to me be open about that part of it cause I know the answer to sex is no he cant do it. But I would feel really rejected if I asked for a hug and got told no because I know he can do it. I sometimes also want to be able to just lay next to him with his arms around me or curl up next to him with my head in his lap like a little girl would do. I feel that way especially when things are really bad. I just want him to be my dad and I wish there was a way to make it happen. He has two daughters of his own close to my age and the hardest thing is when I see pictures of him hugging one of them. I get so jealous and sad. I dont ever remember being hugged by my dad or step-mom when things were bad so maybe thats why I want it so bad now. I only remember once or twice being hugged at all by either of them Frowner , so I dont feel like I am good enough to be hugged or worthy enough to even ask for it. I want to ask so badly and want to talk to my P about the reasons behind it but I am so scared of how I will feel if he says no. Red Face I see him Tuesday and have been trying to come up with a way to tell him all this because it has been bothering me so much lately, but I havent found any good way to explain it to him yet. I still think he should just adopt me. And if he could some how adopt me and marry my dead mother than life would be perfect cause I would have the two best parents in the world. But I think it would sound a little bad for me to walk in there and tell him "I want you to adopt me and marry my dead mother." He might get a little freaked out by that. Eeker
Hi Pippi,

I don't have much time right now but just wanted to write a quick message to say your posts on this thread really moved me and made me feel like crying. Sort of in a good way - you have been through such incredible pain and your cheeky, loving self still just shines in every post.

Thank you for writing about those situations, and for being yourself.

Hi Pippi. Here's the best cyber-hug I can give ((((((((Pippi)))))))! I know it doesn't compare to what a hug from your P would be like, but it's all i got!

Thanks for putting yourself out there and telling us how you feel. I feel almost the exact same way about my t, just in the mom way. I often want to curl up on her lap and just lay there. But she says no. Not a hurtful, mean no, just a "that's not in your best interest" no.

I know your wondering how to tell your P some of these things, but what if you just printed out what you wrote and handed it to him? I think it's all very clear and concise and understandable. And if he has been around for ten years, I'd bet he knows you well enough that he already has ideas about how you feel, but he's probably waiting for you to say it. And since you already aren't hugging him or laying your head on his lap, do you think it'd be okay to just tell him you want those things? You don't even have to ask him for it if you don't want the possibility of rejection; you could just say "this is what I long for" or something along those lines. Well, it's just a thought.

I'm really glad you chose to write about this stuff. I wish you would have gotten what you needed when you were a kid- I wish we all had. Nonetheless, I agree with Jones, you truly do shine!

Hi CT, whew, I can so relate to the loss of hope of having a mother who will take care of you and the rage of having to do it for yourself now....for such a long, long time this rage has prevented me from taking care of myself or even wanting to take care of myself! Your words are such powerful words for me...I can still feel such sadness and anger while I read them...mlc

I think I will tell him this Tuesday when I see him. I hadnt thought of putting it the way you said. Instead of asking for it I will tell him its what I want and feel that way I dont have to be told no, but at the same time it lets him know what I want and Im sure if he thinks he would be okay then he would do it knowing thats what I really want. I dont know if I will print this out or just write some of it down, copying it from here and take it to him. But one way or another I am going to do it on Tuesday no matter how scared I am. I need to start being completely honest with him, especially now that I just started therapy with a new therapist last week and she is suppose to help me get where I can be honest with my P. And the best part will be that I see her at 11:00 on Tuesday so I can talk this out with her first and maybe even let her read what I write and get her input and then take it to my P at 3:30. I was not excited about two therapies in one day but now I am getting excited cause if I can do this it will be a huge step for me and show my P that I am trying really hard, and right now he just wants some kind of sign that I am at least trying a little bit. And if I never tell him thats what I want than he might not ever know and then I will never have the chance of receiving it from him. I told my old highschool P that I wanted a hug, but I did it through email and he was no longer my therapist and hadnt been my therapist for 8 years. He still lets me write him once a week and responds once a week and then comes and sees me every 6 months at my P office. I was so in love with him and I couldnt deal with not seeing him once I graduated so after careful consideration from all my therapists they decided it would be okay for the email thing to happen. It has saved my life more than once! He first told me he wasnt sure about the hug thing but then when he saw me I got one. It was the best feeling ever and now I get one every time he sees me. Its only one hug every six months but its better than nothing and it helps me hang on until the next time I get one. I want that type with my P, I am still not completely sure why its so much easier to tell him I want to have sex with him (which I have told him in person) that to say I want a hug. But I will regret if I never tell him and then never know if I could have gotten one or not. Thanks for the cyber hug, its not the same thing as getting one from the P but it does help to know there are people out there that understand and care even though they havent even met me, although even though we havent met I have been more honest here than I have with anyone I have met so yall do know me better than most people in my life.

Jones- thanks for the reply. Through everything I have been through I have learned to make it through with laughter and joking around and even putting on the fake smile even when I dont feel like it. Its the only way I make it through this thing I am going through that some people like to call life. I dont know what I would call it but this is not what I think is life...or at least it shouldnt be. Most people have a hard time believing what all I have been through because I continue to smile through it all which is part of why most people around me have no idea about all of my past. And this that I have shared is only a small part of the stuff I have been through. I have thought about one day just writing down my whole story on paper just to get it out of me. I have never told anyone my whole story all at once and sometimes I feel like I am holding it all in and I just want to get it all out and let everyone see what I went through so that I dont have to hide it anymore. I dont know if I will ever be brave enough to actually do it but I think about it all the time.
I recognize the longing and hopeful/hopeless feelings you all speak of. It is so interesting to hear how it manifests itself differently in each one of us.

My mom definitely wasn’t ideal. But instead of the ideal mother, my hopes got transferred onto the first BF, and when that didn’t work out, it turned into the hope of a “someday” love. Like all of you, I’m still trying to come to terms with the reality that it’s never going to happen. Sometimes I feel stubborn and defiant about it, wanting to hold out that hope despite all odds. Other times, I feel sad and hopeless about it. I spent the better part of 2008 crying in the bathroom, grieving the realization that my first BF is really not ever coming back for me. No one is.

But what I really want is acceptance, that feeling that it’s okay with me, even though it’s not the way I wanted it, so I can move on. Just as recently as last night, I thought it might have finally arrived. In The Road Less Traveled, the author explains how falling in love isn’t really love, why we wouldn’t want to stay there even if we could, what real love is, what it does, and so on. It’s an excellent explanation and I thought it might have finally pushed me into that acceptance I’m seeking. I had that “bring it on” feeling. Hah.

Then I stopped at the store on the way home from work. As I was walking to the back of the store, I glanced down one of the aisles and there was my ex-BF. I kept walking but was instantly flooded with a huge surge of adrenaline. I did the rest of my shopping as planned, then passed him again as he was waiting at the front checkout. I walked out without saying anything to him. He was alone, I could have gone up to him and said hi, and I very badly wanted to, but I knew leaving was the right thing to do. I have no idea if he saw me walking out.

I couldn’t stop shaking for about an hour after that. Then came the longing all over again, strong as ever. Seeing this man has such a powerful effect on me – everything in me longs for him, every cell in me says he is my home. This isn’t delusion – I know rationally that he’s not – but a deep emotional pull that I seem to have no control over. It just happens. A lot like the transference feelings I keep reading about.

With a reaction like that, sometimes I wonder, is therapy even doing any good? I know it is, but is discourages me that I still react to him so strongly, when I had just been feeling strong. The way I coped with these longing feelings before I started therapy was to write, write, write, and also play guitar. When the therapy derailed with my former T, it seemed that my desire to write and play music got killed off. And I’ve missed them. But after the adrenaline wore off last night, I suddenly felt like writing and playing guitar again. So I did. My fingers are really sore today. Gotta build those calluses back up.

This reminds me of a patient my former T told me about once. He had trouble making friends. He tried everything he could think of to get this guy to make some friends, but they never got very far. I guess he still calls my former T once in a while to leave a voice message, and my former T didn’t see any harm in it. He said sometimes it’s just like that, sometimes people can only go so far.

So maybe that’s the case with me. Harmlessly hopeless? Maybe writing and music is just my peculiar way of dealing with my longing feelings. That’s one reason why I love that Dar Williams video for What Do You Hear In These Sounds. The pages flying around could be mine (although I can’t get a handle on that strumming pattern of hers. Way too fast!). Anyway, I think my current T believes me on this and is willing to look at the letters and music with me. It’s not obsessing about my ex-BF – it’s my guide, my map, just like Dar Williams says in her song. And I really am looking for what it says about me, and how can I develop these things in my own life.

Anger, sadness, grief, and finally acceptance and freedom and a new hope. I think that’s where these longing feelings are taking all of us. But it’s one hell of a bumpy ride sometimes.


I had once an one-sided love like that. It was so strong, that if I would see him today, I think I still would feel something. I think it could even come back nearly as strong as it was then, couple years ago. It was something really weird. I never even got close to him. But the feeling was so strong and overwhelming. It was absolutely mad. And it wasn't even really sexual. When I got over his feeling, even years after I still saw him in my dreams every now and again. It was very wierd. I don't really understand why it was so strong all of a sudden. The strongest of all loving feelings I ever felt. I know it was some sort of transference. I think what I feel towards my therapist could be the same, the difference is that I can bring it there and it doesn't torment me as the other thing did. It is really strange. It is related somehow, but don't know yet where it came from and why exactly. But I see that it brought out a change in me then... That is something to be researched with my T one day...
I still feel that way about the first guy I ever loved. I was 7 years old at the time he was 24. I was so in love with this guy and he seemed like the perfect guy. I told him how I felt and he was okay with it and still spent a lot of time with me. At that time every one including my parents thought it was just cute cause it was my first love. After he got married when I was 12 things changed and he didnt have anything to do with me. I would sit at places I knew he was going to walk by at church just hoping that he would at least say hi but it never happened. The feelings I have for my P are a lot like the feelings I had for him.

The feelings for that guy is still there just not as strong. I dont feel like I have to see him all the time like I do with my P. But when I see someone who reminds me of him or someone that smells like he did my adrenaline starts going and I just want to see him so bad. I knew at the time that I was to young for him but that didnt stop anything. He would tell me if I was just older we would be together but I was just too young.

Now that guy is in prison serving a very long sentence for sexually abusing his step-daughter. I feel bad for what happened to her but at the same time I feel worthless because he didnt do it to me. He could have gotten away with it when I was younger because I would have never told on him. I wanted it so bad, but I wasnt even good enough for him to abuse me.
Before he went to prison I had known what he had done and still found myself alone with him at my brothers house. He was house sitting and I knew it so I made an excuse to go over there. It was the first time I had talked to him in years. I gave him a note telling how much I loved him and still wanted to be with him and mentioning that now that I was 20 I was old enough to be with him. At that time he turned me down and said he was trying to get his wife and kids back and couldnt do something like that. Once again I wasnt good enough. I really would have given anything for him to sexually abuse me, I mean, people I didnt even like were doing it so it would have been better if it was someone I was in love with, at least maybe I could have enjoyed it a little bit. Or at least after he did something that horrible to a minor who was also his step-daughter he could have thought I was good enough to be with him then. I will never be good enough for him or my P. I have even written this guy three times since he has been in prison begging for some kind of response to explain things but I would never get a reply. I wanted to know why I wasnt good enough but I wasnt even good enough for him to waste his time telling me while he is sitting in prison.

Last time I talked to my P I told him I was in love with him and wanted him to have sex with me. He said no because he doesnt do that with his patients. I understand that and I am glad he is sticking to the boundaries. But then he looked back at me and said "besides you are too young anyways." I told him I wasnt but he said "yes you are too young." It took me back to that place with this other guy. I started thinking its not because I am too young its because Im not good enough. That is what "you are too young" really means anyways. It has also made me think about wanting to have sex with my P even more cause if thats what keeping him from it maybe there is someway to change his mind like I have done with many older guys.
Dear Pippi,

Thanks for sharing more with us. It is really good to come to understand something of your experiences, it feels like it helps me to understand myself and the world in richer ways, even though my experiences were different to yours.

It sounds like you were taught right from when you were a tiny baby that your value for other people was sexual. It makes a lot of sense that by the time you were seven you wanted to choose how you had those experiences. I can really imagine the seven-year-old you just wanting and hoping so much for a close contact that was caring and that recognized you for who you were.

From my perspective I'm really glad that guy didn't abuse you. It sounds like you DID experience some care and attention from him from the time you were seven till when you were twelve, and I'm guessing that if he had had sex with you that care and attention would have been a lot more like the abuse you experienced from other people. I'd hazard a guess that the care and attention would have vanished, and your freedom to choose and to want it would have vanished, as he just went about getting his needs met. Same with your P, too. I don't know... but in any case I really understand the DESIRE.

I was wondering about your P saying "you're too young". On the one hand I didn't like the sound of it because it opens up that idea that if only the circumstances were right he might. Then on the other hand I was thinking... maybe that statement is offering something you weren't given as an infant and a child - that space to BE too young for someone else to exploit. Like maybe he is offering you a protective space where you can be young and be safe.

And maybe through that he is helping you to learn that you are valuable in OTHER ways, that you are valuable for you, not for sex or money or whatever. What do you think?

The grown up me does realize that it would have been a horrible thing it he would have abused me. Because of dealing with the transference with my P I am learning that things I think I want or need are not what are best for me and are only a result of my past experiences. I am lucky to have a P that decides what to do by what is best for me instead of anything else and doesnt listen to me when I throw a fit or beg. He really is so much like a daddy. I did get a lot of special attention from Ric during that time period of 7-12. He was there when I did need him most because my mom died when I was five and the abuse from my brothers started then and got really bad around age 7. This guy saved me from that even if it was for short periods of time. He had not idea it was going on but him taking me places or even spending time with me at our house when he was visiting saved me from the sexual abuse for a little bit. My favorite place to be was sitting in his lap where it was safe. I loved it even more when I was sitting in his lap with his arms around me at our house and my brothers sitting right there with us cause it was almost like I could say "try something now, You cant do it cause for these few hours Im safe and theres nothing you can do about it." I would also spend Sunday nights at church with this guy asleep with my head in his lap because thats the only time I got good sleep and knew it was okay to sleep because it was safe. So from 5-9pm every Sunday and Wednesday I would do that. It hurt so bad when it was taken away from me. I did everything I could to get his attention and get him back but nothing worked. But I will always have those memories and those memories would not be as good if later he had abused me because then every nice thing he did would have been fake. But the little kid in me is yelling "pick me. abuse me. i wont tell. i just want to be close to you. i will do anything you want if i can be close to you feel like you really love me even for just a few minutes." I sometimes wish I could stop feeling like that little girl did but I know to do that I have to work through this with my P and I am scared to death to do it.

I had not thought about what my P said the way you did. I like that. I was planning on talking to him about it on Tuesday and letting him know that him saying I was too young made me think about being with him even more and somewhat hurt because of past experiences with guys saying that. But he might have been doing it the way you said. He might have been giving me what no one else has ever given me. The chance to be protected because I am young and that I can actually be to young to be abused yet at the same time still give me attention and care that I need. I do like that no matter how many times I beg him to treat me the way every one else has he always says no. I tell him what other people did may have hurt me but I know how to deal with it and make it through(maybe not using the best coping skills but I make it through) but I have never had someone treat me the way he does and it scares me, I dont know how to respond or deal with it but at the same time it makes me love him so much more which is confusing in itself.

Thanks for that insight cause it has changed the way I see what he said and see there was a possibility that he meant it in a good way and was trying to help me which is most likely what he was doing cause he is such a great guy Big Grin
Hi Pippi -

I'm glad that different perspective may have helped - it sounds like it's worth considering, at least. It can be hard to sort the good from the bad, the safe from the unsafe, when people are so complex. I like that your T keeps those boundaries well.

I was thinking about your coping skills - it may be that they are 'not the best' as you say but they have done their job of getting you through to THIS point - where now you can learn how to love and be loved in a safe way. I can understand that that's terrifying, because it is untrod ground, and probably involves parts of you that you have never had the freedom to explore and discover before. Terrifying but a bit wonderful too, even if painful....

Good luck with those two therapies in one day - let us know how it goes!

SG - amazing that you saw your ex again just after having those feelings of acceptance - well done on walking on when you knew it was what you needed. And well done on going *into* the feeling and exploring through your writing and guitar - that's a beautiful thing to do with the pain, to let it fuel your creative experience. Seems to me that that kind of turns it into a willing exploration of being human, rather than just a necessary tolerance of the misery of life!!

It’s not obsessing about my ex-BF – it’s my guide, my map, just like Dar Williams says in her song. And I really am looking for what it says about me, and how can I develop these things in my own life.

I love this... it feels really rich. Thanks.


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