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I got a call from my insurance company today and it triggered me so badly and I just cannot shake it or work myself out of this state I'm in. I have a new insurance plan now because by dh's plan no longer works for me in regard to mental health benefits so I had to join my firm's plan which is not so good either but much better for mental health benefits.

Anyway, it was a nurse just calling to introduce herself and offer some services and to ask me some questions. She was a nice enough person but she began asking me if I had a healthcare proxy and living will and then when I say no she begins to tell me how to do it and get one and why. She then asks me if I'm having any issues with health and do I need any coordination with other areas of insurance... pharmacy, etc. She asked about well visits and then proceeded to tell me about how I can earn more "wellness" dollars by taking web classes, filling out questionnaires and getting certain tests done, etc.

Any kind of health stuff really triggers me badly. I have begun working on some of this with my T but we got sidetracked by his short vacation and my abandonment fears. I am trying to take better care of myself with more rest, less stress, vitamins, etc. but I have a long way to go and my recent issues with my bad hip and the pain I'm in each day causes me terrible anxiety.

Needless to say when I got off the phone I was almost in tears and I had to quickly dress and get to work. Also my son was around due to cancellation of school today so I had to hold it together. I've been trying not to have a panic attack all day. I should have never picked up the phone.

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Wow, TN that sounds like a horrible way to start the day. I think I would have found that type of conversation really intrusive. The element of surprise especially has me feeling anxious on your behalf. It is one thing to have an appt scheduled to discuss these things but quite another to get it sprung on you before work. Ugh.

I'm sorry I am not any more articulate. I hope you feel more grounded soon. Hug two
((TN))Please be careful of any Insurance Company calling and asking questions. Insurance Companies are their own best friends. I'm not sure where you live, but in the U.S. you are not obligated to answer these questions. If its causing you to be stressed out, and they call again, you could say Thank You but I'm not comfortable answering your questions and hang up, or screen the call and not answer at all. If you have a Human Resource department at your firm, you could mention this call to them, and they may be able to confirm to you that it is not necessary to speak with the Insurance Company for any reason. Hope you are feeling better soon. Smiler
Hey TN, I am sorry that phone call was so upsetting. I hate insurance company's. They are just money suckers. I just changed insurance also and I received one of those calls. Every answer I gave them was a lie except for my name. I figured with the new healthcare act it was none of their business. My information is between me and my doctor not some anonymous person on the phone.

I hope you can get some relief from this with your T. I also hope your physical pain subsides. Take care.
Thank you all so much for the responses. I am feeling better today, maybe because I can finally see my T in a few hours to talk about it.

Mallard... yes I think it was partly the element of surprise that made it seem worse and it was intrusive. Plus I was already anxious due to our extreme weather. Thanks for your support.

Hi Summer... it was routine, introducing me to "my" health advisor team so I know it did not have anything to do with my recent health issues. This is a brand new plan for me. They did not mention mental health coverage at all, thankfully. I have calmed down. I appreciate your support.

Hi eme and thanks. I know I'm not obligated to provide any personal info and I did not. I think it was just the element of surprise and it took me off guard. Next time I will say thanks, but no thanks.

Becca...sorry you also got the call but it's comforting to know I'm not alone. I have a basic mistrust of insurance companies and so don't give info readily to them. They are just a business looking at the bottom line.

Hi SP...yeah interrogation is how it feels. I'm sorry you were polaxed by the nurse asking questions. I think it's fairly common for those with trauma histories to react this way to intrusive medical questions. Many of us struggle with self-care issues and trusting others. I need to get better at drawing my boundaries around this kind of thing. Thanks for your comments. I hope you are feeling okay too.


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