i am loved deeply by my husband (peer level love, although i know it is deeper, but stay with me on this), and i am loved by my kids (subordinate level), but that 'authority/parent' level of love? that i guess i am trying to find (didn't realize it til today) through therapy maybe?? and it is deeply unquenshed through T#1's lack of compassion and warmth, T#2's falling asleep in session...i know what you are saying...'self-love' and i just have to take a great big YAWN at that concept, i don't know, i know (now) that i am loved by God...maybe that fills that need? i don't know, something is missing...but really, if a therapist can't love you (and i don't think i want them to) how can that ache for parental/authority/'above you' love be filled?? maybe i shouldn't put T above me, but seems they know alot, or are supposed to...kind of a judge? i don't know, seems my T needed as much therapy as i do. i do know they don't get into this business coz they have their life all figured out. aren't most drawn to psychology because they are trying to treat themselves? despite a very altruistic 'cover' i might add. hmmmm...always a skeptic!! ((wonder where that came from, mother!!)
is this 'approval' i am searching for?? if so, that gets back to always DOING and KNOWING the ANSWERS or something in that realm...i don't know....comments??? have YOU got the answer on this one?? WHAT 'ITCH' CAN THAT THERAPIST 'SCRATCH' THAT NO ONE ELSE CAN??? if i've got a great husband, kids, and God...DO I NEED T#3 ??
((i just read my own post, and it is apparent this poster needs therapy, so don't worry, i know it))