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***TW*** Parental health and death stuff ***TW***

If you've read the last couple days of Morning Peeps (Life is Precious and Life Is Fragile, Too), you have the background on this, and I'm not going to rewrite it here. I'm posting now, here, because I really need help, thoughts, perspective, support.

My step-brother called this evening. He said his dad is still in ICU but off the cpap. Still has oxygen thru the tubes in his nose. Pulmonary fibroids were found on xray when he was hospitalized due to broken clavicle. That was on Sunday. Today doc says out of town family needs to come. He has two days, a week, maybe more.

I am currently out of town - yesterday flew in to see my sister. Checking airline to reschedule and I find out my connecting airport home is due for big storm tomorrow. (This is just a hassle, not a problem thus far.)

I cannot wrap my head around this. He was sitting up, fine, breathing on his own when I saw him Sunday. Before the fall which landed him in the hospital, he had seemed fine to me. I wasn't aware of any unusual problems. Active, going out to eat, going to senior center, driving. And now the doctor says he maybe has two days to live? How can that be?

The "same" thing happened to my mom two years ago. Out to dinner, a concert - and the next day to the hospital. Three weeks later she was dead.

Does going to the hospital kill people? Yes, I know it does.

I'm kind of - no, really a lot - freaked because of the similarity to what happened with my mom. Suddenly ill. Same hospital, same floor, same month, both with respiratory problems - unrelated to original hospital admission, even during an out-of-town sister visit. His is progressing faster, but with warning. Mom took a bit longer, but her dying was without warning.

I don't get it. I am in denial. I can't wrap my head around it. How can this be happening?

And further... if he does die... then my sister and I finally have to go through my mother's things.

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Jones, catalyst, Becca, Lucy -

Thank you for your kind words. It is surreal. I have to keep telling myself that it's a different situation. It's not the same. And it's not happening TO me. It's just happening.

Apparently he coded yesterday night but they were able to bring him back. He has refused to be put on a ventilator. (Good for him.) His daughter says that he is sitting up and conversing and doesn't look like a man who is about to die. She doesn't understand. None of us do.

For now, today, my sister and I are waiting. Waiting to see how he did thru the night, how his day goes, what the doctor says, and waiting for bad weather to move on thru. I'm thinking I'll probably go back home (sister too) tomorrow Unless something .... what? I don't know...

Thanks for good thots and for responding. Helps me not feel so alone with this. (Texted T last night and we're going to talk on the phone later today. I'm grateful for that. When my mom was dying, then current T was out of the country and completely unavailable. )
(((RT))) We have very close friends, family really, who were our next door neighbors for 20 years. We spend every Thanksgiving together. When the husband had a heart attack, he landed in the same hospital and same unit as the one my mother-in-law died in. His room was four rooms away from the room she had died in. We spent a three day death watch there and I had not been back since she died. I literally had to stop and let myself fall apart on the way in and on the way out. It's hard enough to handle these kinds of things when they DON'T echo other situations.

I am glad you are seeking support through your T and here. Hug two

((((RT)))) i'm sorry to hear about your father-in-law and on top of that that the circumstances being so triggering. these kinds of anniversaries can be tough on us. i want to let you know that i will be thinking and praying for you and your family during this time. continue to take good care of yourself by reaching out. (((((RT)))))
So many good friends here. Thank you ALL for being so supportive. I don't have words to say how much it means to me.

I am trying to be wise and thoughtful, but right now the realities of life are steamrolling me. I don’t know if my step-father is going to die tonight or tomorrow or the next day. Or if he’ll pull through. He has an appetite and is eating. Even planning for the future by saving his pudding for a snack.

At the moment, all I have are questions and tired tears.

Walking, I am listening to a deeper way. Suddenly all my ancestors are behind me. Be still, they say. Watch and listen. You are the result of the love of thousands. -Linda Hogan (b. 1947), Native American writer
The acute crisis seems to be settling. Status is sorta stable - good spirits, good appetite - but prognosis is very poor. Unable to breathe without support. A lot of support, really.

I still have not returned home. Scheduled flight is on Monday. Beautiful day at the beach today and a long, long walk which I really needed.

It's hard to be in this holding pattern. No one really knows what to expect or what to do. Emotions all over the place. Exhausting.

Spoke with T on the phone yesterday. She didn't call at scheduled time and after 30 minutes I sent a text. She called and I didn't answer (driving and crying). I stopped and sent another text - that all my feelings were now clouded with my anxiety and disappointment about her not calling. Also told her that I was angry with her. Then I called her. T apologized and explained about missing the scheduled time.

She THANKED me for telling her about being angry with her. I allowed myself to tell her how I felt about it and express my fear. We worked through it in about 5 minutes and then we were able to talk about what was happening with my family. I was enormously grateful to have had the disruption, talk about it and resolve it so quickly. With a "past" therapist, that could have festered for weeks. This new relationship with T keeps blowing me away.

I guess we just keep on keeping on.
Thanks lucy, Draggers, Mallard, Armored Heart, Rebuilding Me and everyone for all the hugs and support.

Got home today. SF has deteriorated badly since I saw him last week. Very hard to wrap my head around it. Very hard to see him like this. Appt with hospice nurse tomorrow. My sister is coming tomorrow. (Yes, the same sister who just left me at her airport this morning.)

It was good to visit with her as she and I seem to be the only ones who really understand the circumstance we are in. It's complicated in so many ways. I guess that's what makes it complicated.

I see T tomorrow. I want to stay in her office all day long. All day long.


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