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Hi you guys

I am feeling sort of vulnerable here. I feel I have said too much too soon. You have been great so it's not about you guys at all. It's about my own insecurity.

I want to fit in here but I feel that I have to back off a little and just read for a while. Get to know you guys better before I start blabbing about my own stuff.

The problem is I feel like spilling my guts. I have so much going on and really no where to talk about it.

Both my parents have become ill and are not the same. This happened this summer to both of them at the same time in the same week. They went from self sufficient, strong people to frail and showing signs of dementia. I will never be able to talk to them the same again. Never. I lost my T who I saw for over a decade. I lost my job. I lost my best friend. I keep waiting for the sky to fall.

I know I just did what I said I wasn't going to do but I wanted you to know where I was coming from. I didn't go into the nitty gritty on any of it because that's where I feel vulnerable.

I feel like an idiot when I post here and I don't know why.

Thanks for reading this
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You DO fit in here in every way. It's ok if you are not ready to post about certain things. Trust me I know how dangerous vulnerablilty feels. When something feels dangerous it is natural to want to run away from it and when you fall headlong into it it can make you feel ill. It's raw and frightening and it may not be for every body. You have to gauge what you feel comfortable with as an outlet. Releasing a little at a time is usually best. The anonymity and ability to relate here makes it easy to jump in sometimes before you are ready. So it's ok to pull back a little and adjust your sails. You determine the speed and if all else fails Shrinklady has developed a nice little feature called the edit button. I use it all the time and it can even delete messages as if they never existed. Wink And that's ok. I have felt the pain of over exposure and I understand when it feels like too much.

I am sorry you are having such a tough time with your parents and personal life in general. That's a lot to take! I hope that at least being among us makes you feel like you do have a place. A place to be heard in whatever capacity you feel comfortable with. You belong here and you fit in just perfectly however you choose to participate.

My heart goes out to you WS. You have a lot going on and you need support. It's always available here whether you are able to post or not. YOU ARE NOT AN IDIOT! If it is anyone, that is my title in this village. Big Grin

Rest assured _it is ok_ Simple words but there is something about them that resonates for me when I hear them..."it's ok." (((WS)))
Hi woodensoul,
OK first I want to agree with emerald and JM (thanks for saving me all that typing!).

And it's ok to decide how fast or slow, and how much or how little you talk about. We've all struggled with those issues and this is a good place to learn how it feels for you and what its like to talk about some things. If there's one thing we all seemed to have experienced is not being able to speak or not having control over what was happening to us. So its important that we can control those things here. And part of that is deciding when and how our story is told.

I'm sorry for everything you're going through, it sounds like a tremendous amount to handle. I was there a few years ago and I know it can feel like there's no way to bear up under it, but you will. And we really want you to come here for whatever support we can offer.

And for the record, everyone feels like an idiot every time they post. I know I do! We often were not listened to, or even treated punitively for expressing our needs or emotions, so when we do it here we are risking something that feels very dangerous based on our past experience. Feeling like an idiot is your mind's way of trying to get you to stop doing something that feels so dangerous. With enough experience of not having bad things happen and instead actually having good things happen, that feeling will eventually die.

So if you are an idiot, you're in good company!

And JM, no fair stealing my title! Now where is that HTML slapper? Big Grin

Hi again,

Okay you guys are just so nice. I was afraid to look in here again. I even squinted my eyes while I opened it up.

Thanks for your encouragement and kindness.

This is an extraordinary group of people here. So gentle.

Emerald, I didn't know you were new too but I see that now. I would like to know you better too.

JM you are just the sweetest person. I am so grateful you are here. You are far from an idiot too!

Same to you AG so helpful and always there to reassure. Your honesty and openness on this site gives me more strength than you know. I don't know any of you well at all but I find myself thinking of you during sessions and thinking about how you face these issues head on and it gives me the strength to do the same.

Thank you HB for your kind words as well. You too are another who I admire here. You are a real trooper in your own endeavors and yet you have so much to give back here. Thank you. Oh and if AG does come after me with the slappper I may have to duck and let it hit someone else. lol

PL you are such a nice person. I see you work here too and your candid responses and topics make me feel so much less lonely. Thanks for being here.

(((Hugs))) to you all.

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