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I'm so sorry you had such a disconnected session. Especially when there was something so important that you wanted to talk to him about. Frowner

You said it was so unlike him not to listen, and also that you didn't ask for a hug and he didn't offer one, and that never happens. I'm wondering if you are both on a more similar wavelength than it seems...if I may consult my "crystal ball" and try to read your P's mind Roll Eyes...perhaps he sensed something different about the hug last time, too, and is reacting by distancing himself?

I am glad he called you back...and I know it's scary, but I hope you can bring up your feelings about the hug, and also about how this session went, in your next session.

The thing about him bringing up you leaving - could it be that you talked about many other stuff, but you remembered this one the most?

Hi Amazon, yes your words are comforting and I think you are right in what you said (see above). As I thought about it- he also mentioned that me leaving would be tough on him too. ((somehow forgot that part, last night)I guess I just don't believe it, so i gloss oover it.

You made me laugh about the table. Smiler, I would get up and move it, and my T wouldn't care. Once when the anxiety was high(about this time last year)because of dealing with the bad trauma stuff, and I started going on a different day- so I was in a different office, I hated the new room. He asked me why, and I told him it was all wrong for people like me who needed to ground themselves. He said - "tell me how you want it. So I explained that I needed room to walk, and access to the window to look our and ground myself. Nothing should be in front of the windows, and the art work was just bad and wrong on so many levels; not calming or soothing or real. He got up and said lets change it. He was going to do it too.It was not even his office! I was so impressed. So I say- tell your T the table bothers you and would you mind if i moved it for our time, or else- may I put my feet on it. For my T, it was not his office, so he didnt care.
Politely- give it a try- see what happens.
thanks for the good memory.

Lamplighter- thanks for the kind words.I have my head together more today.
This morning I txt my T- all I said was "Thank you". I was thanking him for the 20 or so minutes he spent with me on the phone, and he left me a nice message about watching me grow.
thanks- i am so much better today.
Hey Strummergirl.

It is very interesting that you say that because that crossed my mind today. I really don't know,- and too embarrassed to ask, but that is a possibility. Neither of us approached each other for a hug.

I just can't see I can one week have one of the very best sessions, then go to one of the most unsettling sessions. It may remain a mystery.

Thanks for your insights.

Off topic- I just received your post moments ago, and the time says 6:__ pm, but it is after midnight here and I think our time difference is 2 hours at the most 3. I am on the East coast.

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