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I'm new to this site but I've really been interested and helped by some of the therapy discussions I've read here, particularly those relating to attachment and therapist/client relationship? I would like to ask for some input on my situation.

As background, I was diagnosed with depression and have been on Zoloft for a year when I started seeing a doctor for weight loss. I was sexually abused by 2 family members when I was between 4 and 8. I've always remembered it and thought I dealt with it well. I am morbidly obese and I started seeing a weightloss doctor who after many tests suggested I see a psychologist to discuss my eating patterns (I overeat at night after my kids go to sleep). I admitted to him (my t) freely my CSA and told him I had dealt with it. He challenged me on that and over the last 5 months got me to see how much pain I was in and how many ways it affected my life. The positive results I've received from therapy are that I've lost almost 50 pounds and my relationship with my husband has greatly improved in many areas including intimacy, trust, and our sexual relationship.

For the last month, our sessions have been a bit at a standstill. We've talked about my parents who were not my abusers but did nothing to help when I told them about the abuse when I was 14. My mother has always been more concerned with what she wants than others feelings. I feel quite anxious and fearful and am having trouble sleeping and I don't know if therapy is helping me or causing symptoms because I'm constantly talking and thinking about my feelings. At least a couple of times over the course of therapy, I've felt quite rejected by the therapist even though I know that he was not rejecting me.

During my therapy yesterday we had an intense discussion about my feelings with respect to my children. I fear I'm not a good parent because I don't have good parental models and my children are having a tough time with separation and anxiety issues. He suggested that my inability to accept my own feelings led me to try and fix my kids feelings and therefore caused them more anxiety not less. I really have a hard time understanding this and Emailed him this morning telling him I felt he was belittling my feelings and he responded quite quickly clarifying what he said and he had not meant to belittle my feelings. He invited me to write back and I did and then he didn't respond. I didn't specifically ask for a response but I feel awful that he didn't answer. Like I'm not worth his time if I'm going to disagree or challenge his position.

How can I tell if I am just overreacting to him? or if this is a sign that he is not the right therapist for me? Does anyone have any guidelines for knowing if your therapist is right for you?
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Hey, nice to have you here. Sometimes we can't really tell if our T is a 'good fit' for a while, yet other times we can feel the 'click' right away. Suppose that's not to helpful though is it! In terms of over-reacting, I suppose we have to remember that our response is 'our issues' somehow. I also think, that therapy can do both... that is cause symptoms and relieve them! I don't think I'm being too hehlpful with you, but know we're all here on this journey with you.

You will probably hear this a lot on this forum, but the best thing to do is to tell all of this to your T. Tell him if you feel rejected or unimportant because he didn't email you back. (Good for you for emailing him about how you felt about how he was handling your feelings!) It is not easy to do, I am probably the worst at it, but in therapy the only info the T can get about the problem is what you tell him. The healing you receive will depend a lot on what your T tells you and how you react to it.

It sounds like from how you describe his email response that he can handle whatever it is you feel about him in a healthy way. So test him out a little more if you want to. We all do it in the beginning. We need to know if we can trust this person and if they can "handle" us. If they really understand our issues. You can also ask anything you want to about how the therapy process works and what to expect. I wish I had done more of that in the beginning so I wouldn't have spent so much energy trying to suppress what turned out to be perfectly normal feelings.

Thanks for posting! I hope that even a little of this can help. Good luck!
Hi Incognito!
You have already received some wonderful responses from everyone so far. So I just wanted to say welcome and congratulations on your weight loss. 50 lbs! That to me is a sign that something is going right in therapy and that you are on the right road. Not to mention the fabulous results in the relationship with your husband. That's wonderful!
I'm glad you're here and were brave enough to post. Hope to hear more from you.
Thank you so much for all your replies and welcome.

I spoke last night to a friend of mine who has kids the same age and told her about the incident with my daughter not about how my therapist reacted. My daughter (she's 8)told me when she looks in the mirror everything about her is wrong then I tried to convince her 1st she was beautiful and then people don't like you based just on your looks. My friend said that's tough but I'm sure you know everyone feels that way sometimes and all you can say is you are beautiful to me. That's when I realized that I feel that way all the time and hate and avoid mirrors constantly. It had never occurred to me that others without my background feel that way sometimes too. I realized that what my therapist was trying to tell me was that my kids bad feelings was not something I had to fix and that their feelings would come and go and I guess my feelings will too but it doesn't feel that way to me now.

So this morning after sleeping on that insight I called my t and left a message asking him to call me back or send me an email telling me that he received my email even if he didn't have time to discuss it. He emailed me back to say that he got my email but he felt we needed to discuss it in person because he didn't think Email was very effective. So now I am comfortably waiting for my session next week. Thank you for all your thoughts not just in your replies to me but in the other threads because they helped me have the guts to call and tell him clearly what I needed rather than be upset he wasn't doing it (by magically knowing).

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