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Hi and welcome! Good question...

I feel like my T understands me by the way she will discuss things or ask me things to think about or ask or rephrase things in a way I can tell my message got across. I also correct my T (or I will say I'm not sure she's on the right track and we will explore together). As I've done that over the years where we have hit misattunements I think it improves understanding later. I also worry I'm making sense so I ask if it makes sense (aka can you tell me in simple terms what I just said lol) and I can make sure that way.

Do you ever correct your T or ask? It's scary but has helped me - otherwise I would assume she understood nothing and could only think of hating me... Which isn't true.
Yeah Cat - Me too

Last week we were talking about the ED behavior. She said it made perfect sense to her why I was not willing to give up control and begin eating again. I looked at her and said "Really? Your not just saying that?". She swore that she wasn't. But I don't make sense to myself I can't really believe that it makes sense to her. I think she was just trying to build that alliance with me.

I don't know AVEENO00. I think you can ask for clarification but at other times you have to decide if you trust them.
She said it made perfect sense to her why I was not willing to give up control and begin eating again. I looked at her and said "Really? Your not just saying that?".

My T says that too. I sort of wonder what her personal life is like sometimes... because if she can justify the things I do in the magical like way that she can while she's truly understanding me... I don't even WANT to know what she can talk herself in to.

((J)) ((D)) ((RE)) ((AVEEN))
I do correct her sometimes, but she doesn't really say much after that. She is an intern, so she doesn't have that much experience or training in what we have been working on for the past year and a half. But, she still helps even though I though there is someone out there that has more training. But, I guess it is just the connection that I have and feel with her that helps me.

I remember telling her that I feel like she sometimes doesn't understand, and she responded back with "you're right, I don't understand because I have never gone through what you have, but I always try to understand where you are coming from"

She does ask my a lot of questions, but then she repeats a lot of the things she would say and it sometimes annoys me because she has already said it 10x before. But again, she is a new intern.

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