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Just wondering how others manage when people let you down or can't be there for you when you need them to be?

I struggle a lot to not end up in a tornado of rage and self hatred when I'm let down or when others refuse to help. My mother in law usually takes care of my son on Monday morning for two hours so I can attend uni classes. She cancelled this Monday last minute because she had to attend an appointment. I don't have anyone else who is available to leave my son with so I'm having to miss class. I can live with missing class, but I can't tolerate feeling so unimportant and being treated in a thoughtless and inconsiderate way. And then I really needed someone to be with me because I was so upset but DH was uncontactable and I ended up feeling so humiliated, uncared for and worthless.
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I struggle too with those intense feelings of anger. It's feels awful to feel unimportant and not cared for. I try to just experience it now and then let it run its course. It's not like you don't have a legitimate need or gripe. You were relying on her. Why couldn't she have let you know sooner? You have an absolute right to those feelings.

If it makes you feel any better, my Mom has never really watched my kids unless I asked and even then she always seemed really put out. My parents watched my kids once for the weekend so H and I could attend a wedding out of town. She would never offer to take them to the movies or out to lunch on a day off from school. I know lots of grandma's who are much more giving with their time but my Mom's not one of them. It's been a tough ride. It's intense raising kids and your son needs a lot of attention right now. Try to take care of your needs for some alone time.

((poppet)) ((scars)) ((Liese))

Thanks for your kindness and understanding

Poppet - I think you're spot on there that it's foolish to rely on one source of childcare. I need to make an effort to have different babysitting options available. I am waiting for my son to drop his morning nap and move to having one big sleep during the afternoon so I can leave him elsewhere in the morning if need be.

Thanks Liese, I'm sorry your mom hasn't been an involved grandma. She has missed out on a wonderful experience. 15 months is such a demanding age because he's traversing from babyhood to becoming a small child but oscillates back and forth between defiant independence and clingy attachment and then there is the intense emotions and the teething to manage.

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