We were walking along the high street together, W and I, when we walked past a womens clothing boutique. It was only a small shop and W didn’t stop to browse so it shows how quickly we passed it. Anyway, I spotted a mannequin in the window displaying clothes – if you ladies are interested, white linen summer trousers, pretty top, and a nicely tailored red jacket. I suddenly heard my own voice in my head say loudly “Oh! (T’s name), that would suit you perfectly!. You would look fantastic in that outfit!”. My next thought was “OMG, did I just say that out loud?” I looked at W; no she was still walking along unconcerned. Phew.
Where did that come from!!? Now, I know that’s how T often dresses for sessions, but even so, this just came out of nowhere!!
I hadn’t had T in my conscious thoughts for a couple of hours or so, not since W said as we were leaving our town “ I don’t like this place, its scruffy” and I thought to myself “ I actually quite like it as my T lives here as well”. I was doing quite well for once living in the real world, in the here and now, rather than the ‘ Jonny Avoidant Fantasy World’ that I’m usually in; so what the heck happened. Just for the moment, I was walking down that street, hand in hand, with T, not with W.
Conscious thoughts about T I can manage to a certain degree, but unconscious ones like this occurring are scary. Next time I might say it out loud for real, or talk in my sleep for heavens sake, then all hell would break loose with W, as she’s quite insecure at times.
Has this happened to any of you guys? How do you deal with it? Is it common for this to happen? I think I need to discuss this with T on Thursday..
Best wishes to all.