This might sound like a stock answer but I like to journal for that purpose.
I suppose first I should clarify what working through a feeling means for me. It's coming to have acceptance and peace about the feeling, so that I'm able to entertain it without fear of annihilation and with the ability to bring some different perspectives to it-- so my consciousness is not overwhelmed by the feeling itself to the exclusion of having *thoughts* about the feeling, and about other things.
I hope that makes some sense.
Anyway, when I do this kind of journaling, I just write and write and write about the feeling itself and anything else that comes up and seems related-- ideas I've heard that tie in, thoughts, connections I might be making. It's almost like free association but a bit more focused and structured. Sometimes after many pages of writing I will feel a bit lighter and like there has been a shift in my mood or perspective. It helps a lot.
I do a variety of journaling for those kinds of self help purposes. I started keeping a dream journal a few months ago. I write out my dreams there and try to work out interpretations. That can be a more indirect, but potentially effective way to work out feelings, I think. I've also been experimenting with art journaling lately-- where the words are also mixed with drawings, images, colors, etc. Making journaling a more tactile and sensory experience has been pretty amazing for me. I actually blogged about it just yesterday, if you are curious for more detail.
Lol, sometimes between my regular pen and paper journal, the art journal, my dream journal, and my blog it feels like I'm devoting many hours a week to this-- and actually, I am. It's how I spend much of my free time lately. I think it's part of why I've been able to reduce the frequency of my sessions (I recently switched to seeing T once every two weeks). I don't think this amount of intense journaling is going to be a very long term thing, but for now I feel like I'm in a kind of chrysalis stage and it's working for me.
Altho, lest I seem to be implying otherwise, I really *don't* think it's as simple as just picking up a pen and paper and getting it over with! I keep cycling back to the same material, and a lot of times I've needed to work on something with T quite a bit before I've been comfortable enough with it to bring it to my journal. Repressed feelings can be really scary when they first start to come out. I'm not great at handling them entirely on my own from the outset, at least not yet.
Phew, sorry so long! This is a topic that's been relevant to me and on my mind a lot these days, so I guess I had a lot to say.
I do hope things get easier for you soon. I know it can be so tough.