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I'm positive there was a discussion about this in the past, so if I'm repeating things, my apologies.

I've recently become aware of a habit I have at the end of a session - Where I come up with a few random things to apologize for... It was an unconscious habit..and once I realized I was doing it, I realized it was likely so that the little insecure parts of me could find a way to be 'reassured' that things were okay, and so that I could get myself all contained and put together before leaving a session.

My T is ok with touch, and I've also accomplished this 'feeling' with a really amazing hug from her...but I feel like it's needy, and an abuse of her willingness to provide that comfort - by expecting it again.

So... I'm curious how you guys wrap up a hard session and prepare to go about your day like you didn't just drag yourself through hell and back in your sessions...

I've emailed my T with the realization of what I'm doing now, and that I would like her help figuring out a healthier way of accomplishing a feeling of security and 'being okay' at the end of hard sessions...(She hasn't responded).
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I've done that - apologize for random things. I hadn't thought about it as needing reassurance - but maybe. It's usually like apologizing for wasting her time or for rambling or not making sense. This could be something in me needing reassurance. My mind tells me at the time I was an idiot during session so need to apologize. I find I often make a flippant comment or try to make. Joke - like thinking it will ease the situation and lighten things up. It's always awkward because my T doesn't shake hands or hug, but she dies stand and walk me to the door. I feel weird walking out in front if her. She does this when we go in too. She walks first til we get there and then waits and motions for me to go in first. don't know why but it makes me feel weird....sorry for going off on a tangent!
With both my Ts it goes something like: We wrap up by talking about what I'll do during the week, and when we'll meet again. Then hug (one of my Ts hugs to close all our sessions, another one does sometimes or I can ask for one). I get about an hour between my session and going back to work where I listen to music and come back to earth. When I can see a clock I mind the time and start winding down at about 5-10 minutes left just talking about random BS. I switch topics to regulate myself so this works well Smiler

I apologize throughout my entire sessions also. I've not had a difficult time ending yet - usually I have a flight response with my Ts where it's a relief to get out of there even if things went well.

Hope things get easier with your endings now that you've written your T, NavyMe. I hope she responds soon.
Honestly, I think my T knows exactly what is going on..and I get the impression that she has simply accepted it as something I need right now.

I've asked her for help in figuring out a more productive way of getting that reassurance...

Apologies are a big issue for me, and I will create any reason to do so with people I hold in high regard and respect (Clearly, she falls into this category).

For example, at the end of our last session - I apologized again for things we had comfortably cleared up much earlier, and for things that deep down, I essentially knew she wasn't actually bothered by...

She always looks a little blown away when I do this, and I'm always a little frustrated with myself for complicating an otherwise good moment with the need to make up a reason to apologize for it... And thus...figure I should work on not doing that.

The last, and only time I've ever asked for a hug, I got one...and it was everything I needed it to be - Which is to say that it felt genuine and wholehearted. I know that my T understands that 'Physical Touch' is my Primary 'love language' and that this is something that fully resonates with me...but I'm incredibly concerned about asking for that on a regular feels like an abuse of her willingness to cater to that part of me...
Actually I thought a good "wrap up" was totally dependent on T but it's nice to realize we can do it too.

I think a hug (if your T allows that), changing the subject to something lighter some minutes before or talking about plans for the week ahead are all good ways of wrapping up. I don't think you should feel guilty about wanting a hug at the end if she was okay with it before and it isn't a boundary. I agree that your need to apologize comes from wanting reassurance to last post-session, it's you making sure that everything that you shared is okay and there was no danger in doing it, meaning you're safe.

I have trouble with the end of my sessions too. My T gives me the "we have to end this for today" at the exact minute and he has never let it run over the time. I understand that I only pay for 50mins but this extreme punctuality hurts a little. He also walks me out of the building which is frankly awkward, I don't like it, it's like he has to make sure I get out of there 'cause he's worried I may linger around. Eugh. So Raven, I'm right with you there!!

More recently I started taking my own watch so I have some control of the time and it makes me feel better although things can get intense and I'll still be caught off guard when he tells me we have to finish.

It's like, I've just been sharing this incredibly painful and personal stuff with someone and after those 50 minutes I have to bottle up everything again and go back to real life pretending nothing happened so I can function in society and "look normal".

Sometimes I think doing therapy is f crazy.
My T does that too... Her usual question is something along the lines of "And how are you feeling now?" or "would this be an okay place to end today?", alternatively she will make an observation like "You seem a bit more relaxed"

Once at the end of our time she asked if I had written anything else down. I said I had, but that it could wait... Her response was "it's okay, I have the time if you do".

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