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I have an ed and everytime I go to my doctor I get a vibe from her that she can't understand why one would risk their health and put my body under the numerouse stresses I do. Not in a rude way, just lack of understanding. I can tell she realy bites her tounge when I tell her things I do and the problems it causes me.
Does anyone else go to their doctor and they act this way? lack of understanding? Or should I find a new internist?
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Hi LB, I noticed you're new to the forums - welcome!

My internist is wonderful. She has gone out of her way to learn more about EDs, and during the worst of it, she was fitting me into her insane schedule every other week, just so she could keep tabs on how things were going. She spoke with my dietitian and therapist regularly, as well. She has been wonderfully helpful, and incredibly supportive of the recovery process.

I don't know about you, but if I didn't have the support of my GP, I'd likely not be doing as well as I am. If it were me, I'd find a new one.
Hi LB,

My internal medicine doctor doesn't really deal with my ED but I have had a team of a dietician, 2Ts and a P who all were very supportive and keeping tabs and offering what they could for me to help myself. Supportive has never meant cheering on anything that would hurt me (but allowing me to do hurtful behaviors without judgement, knowing that it is ultimately my choice), it's always meant helping me to help myself.

If I told them I didn't care, and would put my life at risk, if they felt it was serious they'd have me in the hospital or would say okay, I'll be here for you if you need assistance in your health and healing. If you had someone in your office as a Dr that just had gastric by-pass (which makes the tummy as big as a thumb) and they wanted to enter a hot dog eating contest because it's always been a dream of theirs... you can only give advice, you can't judge but... if they don't care, they don't care. A doc may say "I know you REALLY want to do the hotdog eating contest but let's try to get your weight to ____ and when your stomach is bigger again, etc, etc" but if they say too bad, doc... well... aside from being there to help if the person wants help there isn't much else to do.

It doesn't sound like a lack of understanding, but more like an interest in your well being. I know I could never call my Ts and ask for support in NOT eating dinner and expect them to honestly help me do that. When my team checks in on me or like R2G says "keeps tabs" that means checking in to someone's health and welfare to see if they need intervention, more care, other stuff, etc. It wouldn't mean calling the hotdog contest guy to ask him if he won. Does that make sense? I dunno. I've been in that place where I've let my Ts watch me hurt myself because of my ED.

Good luck to you - I hope you can find a Dr that can help. Are you interested in healing from your ED? How I read your post was sort of like you go in there to tell her all the stuff you did and what it did to you and other things that may put you in harm while also saying you don't care (meaning, you may not want help)? I may be projecting my own stuff here or maybe you just go there for her to monitor your vitals and not to work on the ED like you might with a T.
First off Welcome LB.

To answer your question, GP's are not doctors of the mind and an ED is related to a persons mind (as you are well aware).

I think for anybody who does not and has never suffered from an ED it is almost impossible to understand it, and it seems frustrating because while they can see the "answer" so clearly eg you eat ______calories, you burn _____ calories, a healthy BMI is _____ therefore you need to adjust your calorie intake to ______ it should be simple, but it's not.

Personally I don't, and have never, suffered from an ED. I nearly lost a friend to an ED and so perhaps I have some understanding from what it is like to watch from the outside, but I have no experience of what it is like on the "inside". I wouldn't say I have healthy eating habits and yes I do use food to comfort and punish myself, but perhaps I'm lucky not to fall into any extremes. LB, I don't think you can expect all GP's to understand ED's completely, so don't get frustrated with their lack of understanding. Biting her tongue is probably the best she can do. She is afterall a "general" practitioner. If you want proper support and understanding you need to speak to a therapist or specialist in that area or even someone who has been through it.

Good Luck.

thanks everyone for the input.
Cat I like your hot dog story- it makes sense. I mean if my internest was fed up with me she would have showed it or terminated me. I am currently in therapy getting help and she knows this.
b2w and scars I guess you guys are right. Internist's have a lack of understanding probly because that's not what they're trained in. I guess I'll stick with my internest for right now.

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