My T charges $95.00 for a 50 minute hour, but is in my insurance network so he only actually gets paid $66.50 per session. I think he's more than worth every penny. My husband's job provides excellent health insurance, including our mental health plan so the first 10 sessions a year are free, I pay 10% for the second 10 sessions and then any after 20 I pay 20%, so my out of pocket is fairly low compared to the amount of therapy I'm doing. Actually I am close to certain that after all the money my insurance company has coughed up over the years, when they noticed I wasn't going regularly anymore, they threw a party!
Money is interesting between us, because my T never discusses insurance and handles all the paperwork on his end through a billing service. So once a month I get a bill in the mail for my co-pays and I mail a check back to him at his office so we never deal with money during sessions. It does allow me to sometimes almost forget that there is money involved. But I've never had a problem paying a therapist, they need to eat too and I figure my paying them frees them up to be able to do this if that makes sense. I don't know what my T would do if there was financial hardship as it's never been an issue, but my guess is that he would figure some way through. With what he's making and his expenses, he can't be in it for the money. Especially considering his 24/7 availability. I don't think this is a job, I think it's a vocation.