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I thought this might be interesting.

Currently I pay £30 ($48) for one and a half hours of EMDR

My pschologist is free on the NHS and he gives me about one and half hours a week.
and sometimes a 30 minute phone call between sessions as well. No charge.

£40 0r $64 is about standard norm here for one hour of counselling/therapy.
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I am not sure how much T1 costs because she has never sent me a copy of the invoice, but I am guessing probably about $90-100 an hour. I think she was about $60 an hour in 1992 when I first started seeing her. She has a PhD in psychology.

T2 costs $145 for 45 minutes. I almost shit a brick when she told me how much she charges but I do think she is worth every penny. She is an MSW.

T1 works in a different part of the country where the cost of living is a bit cheaper than where I live now, but even so, T2's fees are very high even for this area.
My current T only charges $60 per hour. My insurance will pay out-of-network reimbursement if I submit the claims and am willing to challenge the denials they frequently try to send me. Still, I think she should charge more because she is such a good T.

The clinic where I saw former T (the one who terminated with me) charged $249 an hour for him. The insurance had no problem covering those charges at the in-network rate.

I think this is what's known as a "cruel irony". Razzer

When I first called my T, his secretary told me that he charges $120.00 for a 45 minute session. But when I finally got an appointment, they charged me $80.00. I didn't argue with them. My insurance kicked in at some point and I pay $40.00. My insurance company pays him $25.00 so he really doesn't make very much money. The insurance company issue came up recently and he said he might drop my insurance company but keep me at $65.00. When I added up what he must make in a year and then subtract rent and all the office help he has, he can't make much money at all. So I'm thinking I might just kick in some extra money on my own anyway. I live in an expensive part of the country. My T is smart and good. He deserves it!!
My T charges $95.00 for a 50 minute hour, but is in my insurance network so he only actually gets paid $66.50 per session. I think he's more than worth every penny. My husband's job provides excellent health insurance, including our mental health plan so the first 10 sessions a year are free, I pay 10% for the second 10 sessions and then any after 20 I pay 20%, so my out of pocket is fairly low compared to the amount of therapy I'm doing. Actually I am close to certain that after all the money my insurance company has coughed up over the years, when they noticed I wasn't going regularly anymore, they threw a party! Big Grin

Money is interesting between us, because my T never discusses insurance and handles all the paperwork on his end through a billing service. So once a month I get a bill in the mail for my co-pays and I mail a check back to him at his office so we never deal with money during sessions. It does allow me to sometimes almost forget that there is money involved. But I've never had a problem paying a therapist, they need to eat too and I figure my paying them frees them up to be able to do this if that makes sense. I don't know what my T would do if there was financial hardship as it's never been an issue, but my guess is that he would figure some way through. With what he's making and his expenses, he can't be in it for the money. Especially considering his 24/7 availability. I don't think this is a job, I think it's a vocation.
t1, $115 and hour. bachelors degree in psychology, minister

dr. sleepy? md in psychiatry, not a p-a, $250 and hour for a very good reputation, but, not so much deductions for slept through minutes.

the B****, t3...$140 an hour, termination session trauma..FREE! phd in psychology. overrated. mental case!

dbt gal? $120 and hour,

p-a...t5 (agh!) $150 for hour and a half. md in psychiatry, psycho-analyst, has been the analyst to many local analysts...

insurance pays nothing. we are going broke, and i seem to be getting worse.

IS it darkest before the dawn???

The thing is: at $290 an hour, that is about $4.85 a MINUTE!


If I am blue and can't talk, or he is rambling on some stupid tangential story, my little internal calculator is buzzing. And just thinking what that silence or irrelevant nonsense is costing makes me more anxious about filling the void. NOT conducive to meaningful connection.

I don't care how much per minute my cardiac surgeon made. The beat goes on!!!!!

But the money in therapy is it's own issue.
Don't worry I will restart the post again.

I am very lucky that I do not have to pay for my therapy. It is included in my tuition at university which has been really helpful. On the downside, a lot of students use the service so it is difficult to get an appointment. Sometimes it take 3-4 weeks between appointments. If there is a crisis or something comes up you can make a crisis appointment and see someone within 24 hours but it is typically a different T (unless you get lucky)
$290 for an hour?! Holy cow. Prostitutes charge less than that.

What exactly does "Unlimited hour" mean? That it can go on for hours rather than just the one hour? I don't know if I would like that. I would always be nervous that we were going too long and that I was taking too much of his/her time. I like having the fixed time so that I don't have to worry about this and I also don't take it personally when my hour is up and T is pushing me out the door so they can be ready for next client.
shocking, some of those rates! I am fortunate enough to live in a country where psychotherapy is fully covered by health insurance. That said, if you're 'lucky' enough to 'only need' help from a psychologist, only 8 sessions are covered by the insurance. The costs? psychotheraphy roughly 150 dollars for 45 mins, psychologist roughly 100.

I am so glad I don't have to worry about paying my T. I would be absolutely mortified every time I had to pay her, although she is worth every penny she gets paid!!!
Yea- forking over a check in session can be awkward. I try to just leave it on the side table. We never speak of money except during one of my freak out times when I called him my paid friend. I told him he had to like me because I paid him too.- and that the only reason he would listen of talk to me was because I paid him too. He had some really good answers for me at the time, but I forgot what they were.
Oi- The things we put them through.

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