I'd worry about the years of experience the 30year old has. As a professional in my early 30s I know there can be enough experience there, but not always. It may be good to see both of them then decide. When I was in treatment at a center all the Ts and Ns were early to mid 30's, except my T who is in her late 50's. I feel a wonderful sense of empathy from the younger Ts I worked with in groups, or saw in hospitals. Despite her age chronologically, my T there had 2-3 years experience as a T. Compared to my 30 years experience same age T... There are some differences.
I think it's the time in the field that will increase the ability to "understand". It would still be very hard for me to be okay with seeing anyone less than 10 years older than myself - inly because I'm "young enough" for that luxury.
I too understand your concern about the life experience... And I try to look at it this way - many women see men for issues such as domestic abuse, sexual abuse, rape, violent crime, eating disorders, infertility, etc - many of these things which have statistically more women victims than men - and it seems to work somehow for those clients. I couldn't imagine (my transference would probably become violent or psychotic - I don't think I could separate a male T from a perpetrator). So maybe it could work put with someone who has no experience in where you are on life but is still experienced in your feelings, and understanding the important things.
Sorry you are being coerced back.,, sounds like your ED may be in charge? I'm sorry if that is the case right now