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So, I have some memory stuff we need to work through, but haven't been able to manage to feel safe enough doing so over Skype. I get panicked that it will be too hard to ground from and just can't share. Even in office sessions, it can take quite a bit of time before I am settled enough for it to surface. So, we've only scratched the surface, while I'm internally compelled to share. Once I start in earnest, I feel like there will need to be a lot of intense focus to process it. I did not say this to T, but he expressed a similar conclusion after the last few weeks of it coming up too late in sessions to do anything with except acknowledge its presence and the lack of time, try to put it away.

So, T is trying to get me Monday night this week, so we can do a full double, rather than the 90 minutes we've had on recent Tuesdays. He's also hoping to secure me another Wednesday night double at his other office, which is 45+ minutes away, but much safer and more natural feeling environment for this particular work. Whether or not that works out, he's checking his schedule to see if he can do an even longer Friday morning at this same office. He's usually home Fridays and that is over an hour from this office, though occasionally he has been there on a Friday during our calls. Basically T is offering me (potentially) 7 hours of work when insurance will only pay about 4, changing his commute for me, proactively working his schedule around my needs on multiple days. I know it may not work out, but even the thought of him doing so much because he sees a need and wants to meet it is freaking me out, despite him walking me through the why of it and working through my feelings on it very patiently and openly (i.e. not pushing me to do it).

It's just too much and I feel "bad," like I've committed some sort of cardinal sin by somehow making him offer me something, tricking him about my needs, taking too much time. I know he's probably right about what I need at this point due to how the last month has gone, but accepting it feels like I'm assaulting or invading him...and I don't know what to do. Beyond the simple question of whether that is just too much for one week, I don't know how to ever feel OK with how much he does for me with the texts and reading journals and working so hard for the single case agreement, etc.
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Your T is being very caring and reaching out to you in a way that shows how much he wants to help you. I know it's hard sometimes for a lot of us to accept the care without feeling like we "owe" them back, or need to somehow feel guilt for it. I think that stems from our childhoods--I know my feelings about that do. I never could ask for what I wanted. I was always told that I was selfish. I tend to feel guilty by even contacting T anymore. BUT, sometimes I NEED her so bad. It sounds like what you need is this time with T, and he's recognizing that and giving it to you.

Can I say that I love your T. He sounds amazing.

You didn't trick him. He's a smart, capable professional who willingly is doing this for you. You are worth all of the care, attention he is giving you. Please remember that.


(((( Yaku ))))

How apposite your bringing up this topic, I was just going through something similar yesterday with my T doing things in his own time to accommodate me.

I can SO relate to this:

It's just too much and I feel "bad," like I've committed some sort of cardinal sin by somehow making him offer me something, tricking him about my needs, taking too much time.

I get like that about just everything good that I get from people – as if I’ve somehow manipulated it and people are just being good to me because THEY are good not because they genuinely want ME to have good (something to do with ‘deserving/not deserving’). Moreover it sets up in me a profound sense of expected gratitude and being in debt, as if I can’t just accept something freely offered but have to endlessly repay it, primarily by having to mirror the other as good and wonderful and thoughtful and giving and generally not taking in how good it might make me feel to have someone do something JUST FOR ME. And then there’s the issue of ‘need’ – as if it’s necessary to justify someone going out of their way to give me something I need, by proving that the need is really definitely a ‘couldn’t survive without it’ NEED (wants don’t even get a look in.) All sorts of old rubbish messages and beliefs in there!

Yaku, given the amount of effort and extra time your T is trying to arrange for you, it’s very understandable that you’d feel guilty about it, I should think even the most emotionally balanced person might feel a twinge of overwhelm at getting so much (not that I’m saying that’s right or correct, just normal Smiler )

It would be a sign of real healing wouldn’t it, if you reached the point where you could just accept what he’s offering as something naturally deserved, and believe both that he freely wants to do this for you, and that it’s ok for you to take it without feeling either manipulative or in debt?

I hope you can talk with your T about this because it sounds like your feelings and fears and guilt about it might get in the way of being able to use the extra time he’s wanting you to have. But then, maybe that’s the therapy too?

(((Broken))) Thanks for relating and saying I didn't trick my T. I think I just need to work out what MY boundaries are about this, as he obviously knows what he feels comfortable offering and I need to let him sort that out. So, what remains is, is it too much for me? Is it more than I can handle to process that much? Or maybe more than I can handle to receive that much? And whatever the internal answer is, I have to respect it.

(((LL)))) Yes, it's all about justification. That is exactly it. The couldn't survive without it feelings. But, I know I can survive without it. It will make processing this stuff much harder and slower, but I can do it. IT will just hurt and be hard. So, it's hard to feel justified receiving it. Thanks so much for helping me to clarify that for myself.

T actually gave that as one of his points for why he might offer me both Wednesday and Friday, that it would be a good opportunity for me (and a particular part) to practice accepting help (even a lot of help) when I need it or it would otherwise be helpful, practice it with someone very safe, and work through the feelings that come up. Smiler He was on the ball about what my reaction would be before he even brought up the possibility.

Wanted first off to wish Boo a happy birthday. Glad the party went off without a hitch.

I keep thinking about what's on the other side of the "being able to receive" thing. I always thought I was a selfish, spoiled brat. T says nothing could be further from the truth. Partly because I just have it in my head that it's wrong to take and partly because of fears of abandonment, I became someone who could only give and not receive.

But I don't want to be a taker either. I want there to be some balance in my life. If I was giving because I was afraid of being abandoned and I overcome that fear, then I don't have to give unnecessarily anymore and I might even be able to accept caring. And then what will happen when that fear is gone? I am only beginning to imagine what it feels like to feel secure and not feel that intense feeling that everything will be taken away from me and that I am entitled to as much security as the next person. I don't know where I am going with this thought. Frowner It's just so hard for me to imagine being someone that other people value, that other people might want to accommodate. That thought is so new and lovely for me. That I am worth something.

And then again, my parents *gifts* always came with strings. So, sometimes it feels like if I accept a gift, there will be an expectation of something I have to give in return. Something I may not want to give.

All this giving and not being able to receive certainly skews my relationships. Maybe I can't get close to people who just want to give because I always feel as though there are strings attached. And maybe I scare away others who feel as uncomfortable about receiving as I do.

Wow, good thread Yaku. When we finally work out the giving and accepting thing, maybe we'll be *cured*.
Yeah, seems so impossible sometimes, doesn't it?

Luckily, I am not faced with the full brunt of it.

T couldn't do a full double tonight. He had to change it last minute due to a calendaring error, so I will probably get 1:15 to 1:30. It doesn't sound like Wednesday was open. He is offering me an extra long Friday at his other office, unfortunately during the day (which is really hard for me for very specific reasons)...but he kindly informed me that it was working out, because he also had one other client who needed an appointment that Friday morning, so now I am able to feel less overwhelmed as it's not ALL for me. Then again, there is a bit of, "Well, if it had been all for me, he wouldn't have done it. He is only squeezing me in, because this other client is important to him and he is there anyway." Kind of stupid, considering he is offering me a VERY extended in person session, rather than a Skype session. But, I guess I'm looking for all the ways he doesn't care right now, because his last minute schedule change for tonight has got me into projection mode. Sigh...

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