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Hi Jside,

I see my T 1-2 times a week. T takes vacations a few times a year, and usually the week leading up to a vacation I try to get an extra session in. For me the consistency of seeing T twice a week is really important and very helpful for the work we're doing.

I give you credit for getting to your T so infrequently, I know I would not make much progress only once a month!
How often another person sees their T is a really individual thing - so I am not sure that you can assume anything from the number of times people see their T.

I have thought about this a lot since being on this forum and I too wondered for a long time how often people went. I found that it depended on a lot of things and wasn't clear cut or black and whilte. This is how I think it is:

* there are a vast range of people here with different conditions - someone with anxiety or depression - might see their T weekly, fortnightly - whatever and there are others that here have DID, or CPTSD, PTSD, Personality disorders - generally those people see their T more often - and how often that is - is totally dependent on a range of things. So when someone here says they see a T twice weekly - in your mind you might need to know what issues that person has perhaps and remember some of their story.

* depends also whether the client self harms or has SU ideation or issues.

* depends on finances, insurance, whether the T believes in multi sessions per week, depends on the person's attachment style, availabilty of the T, whether the client works full time and can get to appointments, whether they have transport, whether the T works in the town or city or out of town etc

* Culture and which country you live in also plays a part in it - generally in the US - people see their T's more often, has more of a "therapy is Ok feel" - generally on this forum most people are from the US or the UK - so the answers might be a bit different.

* depends on the person's family too - whether them seeing their T is because of what is happening at home and that person has little or poor social support outside of therapy.

* depends on the type of therapy that is practiced - CBT - is traditionally less often so that the person has time to practice the skills, DBT is different again and then each T is different to each client to each mode of therapy.

* Some people on here have different therapists for different things - so they may say they are seeing them 2 or 3 x weekly - but it maybe to different T's for different things.

* also too - some clients lose contact with their T super quickly and need more consistent contact.

So for me. I have BPD, super avoidant attachment style, pre-verbal trauma background and I lose mental hold of my T immediately I lose sight of her. I also have some family issues and circumstances that make my life very chaotic and at the moment I have some critical stressors happening.

Also my T and I had a big rupture 2 months ago and we are rebuilding.

I see my T twice a week at the moment to stabilise me and to keep contact and to keep me safe. Generally I have some contact daily - and again this is because of my current situation. That contact might be email, text or phoning. My T is available for me after hours and on the weekends - but due to my avoidant nature.....and feelings of being a burden....I never contact her unless it is a crisis. It is usually my T checking in with me to find me in a bad place....MY T is getting better at mind reading. My T reassures me that I won't always be like this but she is there for me and it is her choice to offer her time to me.

So can you see that I might have said to you all that I see my T twice a week - but there is a huge backlog of a story behind that.

I've given a lot of thought about this, too. I think the frequency of therapy can have a big impact on the nature of it.

Once a month is probably really only for someone who is using therapy as practical advice, or for coaching on skills or something or maybe they are winding down after a while of treatment.

Every other week is probably bare minimum for someone to actually be attached to a therapist, and that is if they already have a good capacity to hold their T in their mind when they are gone. For people with insecure attachment, they probably need at least once a week if not more.

On the other hand, some people prefer to avoid having more than one session in a week because it can strengthen feelings of transference and make everything more intense. And if you are not careful, you could bring up a lot more stuff than you can really process in that time period.

I do once a week currently, and it works for me, usually with some email contact thrown in.
usually i see one t 2x/week and another t 1x/week and my p 1x/3months.

recently, when doing more intense work i was seeing one t 2-4x/week and the other 1x/week and my p 1x/2-3 weeks.

i can call/e-mail my ts as needed during the week.

financially it sucks but i've made very good progress. when i write it out it seems like a lot. im hoping to be done soon and i find it works well for me based on how i think and process - it's intense and that's how i work best.
I see my T once a month because of finances. I am only working part-time, although not by choice.

I deperately want and need more. The month is so long and I really do get myself in trouble with it being such a long span of time. I think for me if I was able to swing it, once a week would be ideal, although my T might not think so. I think I give her a pretty good headache while only going once a month.
I see my T once a week and I it is just right for me. I gives me time to think over things between sessions, but is soon enough that I don't feel I have to manage alone.
With my previous T I was every other week, but I found this difficult as I felt very anxious when I left as I was always thinking about how I manage the next two weeks.
My current T said she wanted me to come weekly so there is continuity with issues discussed from one week to the next.
She is also flexible and gave me a second time when I needed it, after she told me about her pregnancy and i was very anxious.
I see T for 'weekly' sessions, however due to public holidays, T's vacation, their office closure during the winter holidays and T's seminars about 23% of those 'weekly' sessions are not taking place.

For me, those interruptions are not beneficial and slow me down / cause me to take steps back. I would benefit from being able to catch up missing sessions but that is not possible due to T's schedule & policies.

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