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There is a woman who lives in the same apartment building that I do. For the most part I like her but she is really starting to get on my nerves lately. Sometimes we have a social hour here and she and some other women host it. Well, in the past when she has handed me a drink or food she will say something like "Here I am feeding the fat." Or I don't know she always has to comment on the fact that I am overweight. So the last time I was at one of these things she yells from across the room "SKINNY!" and I turn and look and she is talking to me. I say "yeah I have lost a little weight" To that she yells "You've lost a lot of weight" I just find her to be so annoying. Today she made some weird comment to me again while by the mail boxes. For the most part I just let it go like water off of a duck's back but today I said to her "Not today, I am in a bad mood." She said another annoying thing and I repeated myself. "Not today Lori, not a good day for this." I don't know in some ways she doesn't matter enough to me to say much more but it is starting to get to me. Not exactly sure what to do about it.
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Thanks CD for replying. Yeah normally I would have a huge reaction to such treatment but this woman so clearly means so little to me that my blood pressure hardly raises when she does this stuff however it is annoying that she shouts it out for everyone else to hear. I have a very small dog I just adopted. I put a harness on him and he weighs about 10 lbs. Well I was by the mailbox and I accidentally ended up dragging him about a foot on the smooth tile floor on the leash. As soon as I realized he was not walking but rather sliding on his feet I stopped. She yells out "You dragged your dog. You're being mean to him. You're so mean." Etc. She has a smile on her face the whole time she is saying it. Well the problem is that there were people in the other room and I knew she was exaggerating (as she so often does) but the people listening to her probably didn't know that. So that's when I said what I did to her and that is where the annoyance is coming. Trust me I LOVE my little dog. I would never in a million years hurt him. When you have a dog that is that small and you are walking him and he abruptly stops you're not always prepared for that. My last dog was 60 lbs and I have only had this little guy for 3 months so I am adjusting.
ugh! turtle, there's a guy at my work that's kind of like that, maybe not quite so bad though. i wish i had some words of wisdom for you. for the mean weight remarks i'd keep doing what you're doing. she really sounds like a super bitch and i think you'd just have to confront her face to face. i've found that with people like that oftentimes you have to give them a bit of their own medicine ... get in their face and tell them to f*ck off, not in so many words but just be direct and don't give them a chance to retaliate. state your piece and get out of there. others probably have more tactful suggestions. Big Grin good luck with the bitch.
Whoa whoa... ! FOR REAL? That's not okay..

I'm glad your reaction feels different than normal (not huge, as you said, because she means little). Dragging a dog you haven't known laid down happens it's not like it was the sidewalk and there was way more traction than a pull ya know? I can't tell you how many times I've kicked my cats by accident. I hate when people over exaggerate while others are around that could take whatever it was out of context.

I'm so glad you were able to keep your boundaries holding on to that no. A great way to deal with annoying people. Unless someone is directly talking to me, or it's a behavior I feel is reasonable to ask is changed (example: my neighbors would leave their garbage out beside their door for 2 days, sometimes I'd just take the bag with my stuff but one day I saw them outside and asked if they wouldn't mind putting it away sooner cuz it made my doorway stinky). They were cool.

I have to pretend to like a lot of annoying people at work all day. So I guess how I deal most is... calling my T Wink writing... painting... that sort of deal.


Your puppy is 3 months! That sounds soooo cute!! If you are willing to give details about what kind and feel safe to share I'd love to hear... I'm a sucker for puppies.

Edited to add... before my kitten shut down my surge protector Mad (I love kittens *SO MUCH*) it's never okay to comment on someone's weight; even the occasional lost weight comment I think is reserved for good friends only. I get really triggered if people talk about my body in any way at all. I'm so sorry she was saying stuff like that... "Don't forget to find yourself something to eat so you can feed the soulless too..." Big Grin I think you reacted much better than I would have!
Oh my! You guys have given me so much support! It means the world to me. And you're right this lady is a royal BEYOTCH! I had to laugh at some of your responses to her behavior! lol! Born2Write you particularly cracked me up with the raw egg toss idea! ROFL. I can't imagine what she'd do! lol

And it does feel like someone at work who I have to tolerate because after all living in the same building I have to deal with her on a pretty regular basis. I think she likes me believe it or not but I can not say the same about her. I just wonder if others feel this way about her??

There is a woman who is in a scooter due to surgery and she is a heavy set woman and one day she insisted on holding my little puppy dog and my dog was not comfortable with this. Well she started to bring him close to her face, as she did this he clearly wanted to get away from her. So this woman (Kathy, the beyotch) Yells out "Watch out Fido, she's gonna eat you for lunch!" I mean how rude of her to say! lol

Cat I may PM you a pic of my pup. He is 8 months old. I got him 3 months ago when he was 5 months old.

(((hugs))) to all of you! You really boosted me up and validated me. She IS a Beyotch damn it!!

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