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Even though I'm 43 years old my five older brothers and sisters still tell me to grow up ,that I'm oversensitive & Overreactive. Its always five against one always has been. Those odds never seem to change. Maybe I am all those things. I must be. I though I'd know by now by this age, by this point in my life...& I'm still cluless

My niece decided to participate in a nationwide Fundraiser. Of course she asked us family members to participate Including her fellow Cousins. Naturally I couldn't be there. This happens a lot because I'm also the furthest away from home. My niece is 19 and we all commented about how proud we were of her for taking on such a feat and organizing it. Its also about raising money.

Three days before the event my one brother decided to put an email out but only addressed it to us brothers and sisters. In his email he commented about how he is embarrassed of us for not making more of an effort in the fund raising and raising more money he also said that he was ashamed of those who are not participating and didn't have an excuse for not being there, basically me. I mean who else? Everyone else was there but I'm sure that some of my nieces & nephews were missing but the email did not go out to them. I let the email stew for 48 hours before I commented. I hit "reply all."
I asked basically if I was an embarrassment. Was such a strong word needed to convey to cheerleader type role? which is what I think he was going for. I also asked why should I be ashamed & of what? Another harsh word choice. Asked him if this is the way he motivates his employees? I tried to phrase everything as a question so I could get a response & not point fingers.
I sent it out & w/in a fraction of a sec my bro wrote me back & only to me. Told me I "needed to relax" & that I read the whole thing wrong, i miss interpreted it. He was trying to motivate us as a family; to make myself feel better I should send them a fat donation & "get on board."
I was In the wrong.
I read it wrong.
I need to get over it.
I'm out of the loop.
It's got to be me.
But not once did he apologize for possibly upsetting me...bec he thinks he didn't. That basically I was being an ass & calling him out on his word choice.

I wrote him back just as fast & told him" that's exactly what I thought you'd say." Almost word for word this bro is very predictable. Another email back from him said " no one else had a problem w/ the email just myself."
That's true. Sad but true. I thought for sure my one SIL would hop on her soapbox, but no one did. No one even made a smart ass remark about it OR all of its behind my back which is more of what I'm leaning toward.
It always seems to be 5 to 1. Growing up & how we saw things. My interpretation is always different from theirs. We usually all received the same punishments but why do I think my dads methods were boarder line abusive! When we're all together they crack jokes about our beating w/ a horse bridle, a crop, tractor belts, not being able to sit for a few days, kneeling in rice, standing on one leg, smashing ur head against the wall during homework time due to frustration, just beating w/ his hands alone & anything he had w/in reach; they laugh about all this!! Then I think it's got to be me right? their all laughing. I am too serious & I'm making a big deal over nothing. I'm too serious.

My family thinks I'm here bec of depression. They don't kno the real reason or my latest diagnosis PTSD & DID. They have no clue & it's really not worth telling everyone. What I think would be most beneficial to me during all my T is to cut them off completely. Then I wouldn't have to constantly worry about them & the latest drama in the family that I never seem to kno. It just sucks all my energy. But I have 3 little ones & can't deny them from seeing their 23 cousins, 4 step cousins & 7 second cousins & another one due in July. When I go home it's like a small festival getting us together. My H has already cut off both is sisters & his mom hangs by inches, but that's another thread for later. I cant deny my kids their right to family.

This stupid email has bothered me for over a week & a half now & I can't seem to drop it. I'm still waiting for the ricochet reply. Like these towel snapping fights we used to have. Those things could leave marks & I always worried about someone sneaking up on me & getting blasted.
So where is this all leading? Frankly I have no idea. Validation? Maybe but more in the form that I'm not going crazy. Answers! Why am I so very different from my siblings & the way we view our lives especially our childhood. Will my odds ever improve or do I need to let this one go? I'm not sure anymore what to do w/ my family but I sure am dam sick of pretending!
Any wisdom u can spare is always helpful....doesn't have to be wise thouWink
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Mudd, all i can say is I also come from a large family and I'm seen as the overly sensitive one, the one who won't just laugh off the problems and pretend everything is fine. I avoid family events as much as possible (i don't have kids tho). Being told "you're the only one who has a problem with [......]" is such a lame put-down. All it really means is you're the only one with the courage to FACE the problem.

We usually all received the same punishments but why do I think my dads methods were boarder line abusive! When we're all together they crack jokes about our beating w/ a horse bridle, a crop, tractor belts, not being able to sit for a few days, kneeling in rice, standing on one leg, smashing ur head against the wall during homework time due to frustration, just beating w/ his hands alone & anything he had w/in reach; they laugh about all this!! Then I think it's got to be me right? their all laughing. I am too serious & I'm making a big deal over nothing. I'm too serious.

Mudd... this is not borderline abuse... it's outright physical and emotional child abuse. It is horrific to do those things to children and today your dad would be arrested and lose his kids. Have no doubt... you were not making a big deal over nothing and either your sibs are in total denial or have very faulty memory.

I too was always told that I was too serious or a drama queen. My T tells me I had appropriate reactions to what happened to me. You are also having appropriate reactions to your past and to your siblings behavior. People do not get PTSD or have DID if they had good and healthy childhoods. I would keep contact with your siblings to a minimum unless they change their ways which I doubt will happen. They seem to have a lack of insight into anything, especially your feelings.

I'm sorry for what you have suffered, Mudd.

Thank you TN & EARS
I just hate the way they put my father up on a pedestal
We recently threw a surprise b day party for him. 120 people are there. Nite b4 my sibs talk about roasting my dad. 1 sib said they would. No one said anything else. At the party the roast starts & EVERY SIB goes up to say something! I was floored! I had nothing prepared. Some did. 4of the5 cried. It was blatantly obvious that I should be next, the baby...& I didn't. Nothing. Isn't the saying "thrown under the bus?"
The roast continued. I watched & daydreamed of grabbing the microphone & telling my side, the real side. The physical & mental abuse the sexual abuse inside & outside the house. Would that get an applause? Afterwards several people even commented to me that I didn't say anything. Rest of the party I played w/my own kids
((mudd)) sounds like your sbilings idealise your dad to keep them aware from the horror of what they endured growing up.
It also sounds like your family use you as a bit of a scapegoat - you carry all the "wrongness" so to speak.
My family has very, very similar dynamics and I've cut them out of my life completely. It means my son doesn't know my brothers kids (and probably the only cousins he will ever have). But there are so many other great kids out there he can mix with and given the nasty toxicity that seems pervasive in my family, I think I would be failing him if I didn't keep him completely shielded from them. Your kids would be perfectly ok with you and DH and the friends they make at school and other places.
While they are your siblings and you all shared a childhood together, they don't sound like they are good for you. In fact they seem to provoke you and then sit back and laugh or invalidate you. They don't apologise for upsetting you. That's all really cruel. You don't deserve that. Its important to see your siblings and parents for who they are without any distortions. That will involve huge grief, rage and pain but it will be honest and real and create a solid foundation on which you can build the rest of your life. Hugs xx
RT. Thank u for the hug. I always need that.

GE. Thank you for ur words. Hardest part you said is to see my family w/o any distortions. Maybe I'm not ready for that. Ur last sentence I wrote down & stuck on my mirror. As Pd likes to say....its a process.

Scars. Thank you. Yes a couple people said I could survive w/o family, but its all I have & I was raised to value it sooo much. Its ALL about family thats what their so proud of. I could make the cut but the heat & abuse from it could be more than I could w/stand. I could see my family saying " oh no you're not allowed to leave & we'll pestthe daylight's out of you till you come back. Then we'll start w/ the guilt factor! That will surely make you crumble."
I could be wrong though.
Thank you hopeful. I just wish I could figure out what to do w/ them. GE's statement of "seeing my family w/o any distortions is extremely scary & the idea takes my breath away & freeze. I'm not sure I wanto or can go there. In the end id have nothing.
That seems to be stuck in my brain. Parts t which is part of my trauma plan is supposed to start here & continue @ home w/ my other t's. Just the idea of it makes me look around for a corner to crawl into.
Mudd I didn't meant to freak you out. Its a really hard process especially when you've been raised to value family more than your own life.

But I want to reassure you you would not be left with nothing if you did see your family for what they were and then cut down or cut out contact. I promise you I used to have the exact same fears. You'd have DH and your children, but more importantly Mudd, you would have freedom to be you. You'd have space to build relationships with other people who are able to relate in a healthy adult way that is respectful and mutual. You'd be able to use that energy on creative ventures and constructing a good life for yourself that makes you really happy.

Have a wonderful weekend with your little darlings xx
Thanks GE.
I don't think it freaked me out, but it really hit home. You're the 1st person to tell me to start to do that & I knew it was coming. I kno I have a mtn of work ahead, now that is a bit frightful, but there's a small young voice inside me that's finally saying "I knew I was right. I'm not as crazy as I thought. What I saw,felt & experienced were/are true & real." That hurts but I also feel vindicated! Just brand new feelings for me to get used to.
Thank you for clarifying it & your words of encouragement.

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