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The PsychCafe
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I'm so in awe at members of this family who are so able to articulate their feelings/pain/history/whatever! How do you do it? Occasionally I post when in a 'hurting' place and quickly delete! I'm so happy to help or reach out and care for others but just can't imagine care coming back!! Clearly a shit day!!

Responses not required as I will kill this thread soon! just needed a rave!
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Well Morgsy
I'm going to break your no reply needed rule (sorry I'm just feeling a bit bold and cheeky today Wink ) - you give oodles here and we all love that you are part of our little family delete if you feel you must but here's some care back and we are sorry your day is shit but glad you could rant here about it
Mate. You just have to give it a go. You just start small, type out the best you can do without stressing too much and learn from the others. I never thought I would get the hang of it at all - but the more i post, the more I am getting used to it.

Ya just have to spill ya guts. And don't delete for at least 2 weeks!

Dearest Morgsy,

Well I am glad you lef it up long enough to receive some heartfelt replies that might just lift you a little. You are right, it is sometimes hard for some people to express their own hurts, but you are one of those lovely people who give so much on this forum to others without asking for anything in return. So I'm figuring that it must be your turn easily by now to have a bit of love and support in return.

The only way to do it is to practise Big Grin ....just like you have today, and see, it works Big Grin

Hug two Hug two

(((Morgs))) You're scared because it's scary. Smiler When our earliest experiences are that expressing ourselves didn't work out well it makes sense that we wouldn't rush to do it now. You provide so much compassion and care for other people here, you would be doing us a real service to allow us to hear you when you're hurting and return the favor.

I know that what you give, you give freely, because you want to and you care. I know that you are expecting rejection and condemnation but that won't happen here. This is a chance to step out into the terrible fear and experience something different. But know that you are cared for and cherished whether you speak or not.

Hey Morgs,
Sorry to hear that you are having a shitty day. Takes plenty of courage to talk about it at times though, I get it.

For me it is often the fear of expecting people to confirm that I am not worthy enough to be cared about by them ignoring me. Plain terrifies me. Other times I just don't want to bother anyone with what is going on with me as everybody is already carrying their own problems.

Just keep trying, it will get easier over time.

Hope your session tomorrow goes well. Three weeks is a long break. I hope you re-connect well with T and that it will be a valuable meeting for you.
Thanks to you all for your care and warmth!! I wish I could respond to you all individually but honestly there's not that many words within me!

I met with my T today - thank God we never have a problem reconnecting after breaks and I was able to let things out in a bumbling teary way and although I feel crappy, it helped!!

So, between my forum friends who mean a great deal to me and my T, I'll pick up again!

Thanks so much all of you. s

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