Then he went away for 10 days and it was such a struggle for me to be without him during that time. It was sort of a surprise to me that he was taking vacation as he had not done that in previous years. Now I cannot believe it was such a big deal to go ten measeley days when I have not seen him or spoken to him in TEN WEEKS now. And leaving him in such a bad and traumatic way ... not even knowing if he hates me or was disgusted with me and that's why he abandoned me. Not knowing what I did to destroy this so important relationship.
And I'm just not up to the whole deck the halls, let's be joyful stuff. I have to be fake and paste a smile on my face and act like everything is fine when I am dying inside and feel like I can crumble to tiny pieces at any moment. It takes all my strength and energy to just get through the day to day stuff like my job, cleaning the house and caring for my son. I have nothing left for the shopping, wrapping and decorating and cooking. It all seems so overwhelming that I wish I could crawl into a cave until it's all over. Unfortunately, you just don't get that option when you have a ten year old that loves Christmas.
Sometimes I think it would be easier if I lived alone. Then I could just wallow and no one else would be damaged by my being so horrible. I just feel so guilty that I have ruined this year for my son (and my dh) and they really don't know why and I cannot tell them.
I emailed newT last night but have not heard anything back from him yet and you know that now I'm feeling like an idiot for sharing my feelings with him too. Why did I bother?
Thanks for listening