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I came up with an idea. How would I deal with me? I am a bit of a challenge. I feel for this poor man (T) and tried to put myself in his position. He thought it was an excellent idea to see what I come up with(maybe it would help him). I imagined to be a female therapist with a male client about 15 years younger than me. Actually, visualizing the whole scenario. I told T I would be afraid of me as a client in the sense of knowing how wounded this guy/client is and having to be super-careful of how I would handle wrong move and he's gone for good. The severe lack of trust he carries everywhere in his life has created a very small world and this client has so much potential and substance; but has spent his life hiding. I found myself as the pretend therapist, stumped and nervous, but also intensely caring towards this client, knowing this person really needs help to have a better life. I began to see my real T in a clearer light...mabye, just maybe....he really feels heartfelt care for me. WOW, because me pretending to be the therapist saw how it really might be for my T when he is working with me. He is so amazing and it is so very hard for me to beleive someone really cares. When I lay it all out, this man has gone above and beyond for me and I push away because I want him, for real, in my everyday life and that will never happen. That pain of reality is the hardest part for me and creates such emotional pain. Harm? Sometimes it does feel harmful because it takes a toll on me. Hope this wasn't too strange to post.
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I would come right out and ask my inner child how she feels about me...just like I wish my T would ask me the same question instead of waiting for me to get up the nerve. Childish? yes, but I'm learning to treat my inner child better. Also, I would find a T who believes in Balint, Kohut, Winnicott and those who accept transference instead of punish it. and I would know I'm choosing my T intelligently for once.
((VH)) that is quite an interested way to find self-compassion, I like it! My T will do role reversal questions... like what would I do if I was my own parent in such and such situation. I'm really a close believer in a T can't do the work FOR us and a T should not work harder than the client (example: if I stop eating, my T can't come over and cook for me... if I'm unwilling to change something, my T can't change it for me... etc).

So... that being said, I know I work very hard and I know I expect at least a fair match in what I put in. I'm like this everywhere in my life... it has it's good and (many) bad points as well - I've learned to tame it with others but still have ridiculously high expectations of myself. If I was in my T's seat I hope I would see me working hard and be motivated to work just as hard. My T works EXTREMELY hard, intelligently, and thoughtfully.

Saying that... it in a way makes me feel like I'm owning my 'right' to heal... Smiler that makes me very happy! It's an interesting way to think about it. I would also hope I would be sweet enough to do all the things my T does... I'm not really sure I send out a 'be sweet to me' vibe and thankfully my Ts are just attentive and gentle by nature I think (I'd be cruel to me... But that's self hate and I'd fire me as my T). T and I have also talked a couple times that I'd be a horrible therapist (again because of my lack of patience and high (and sometimes unreasonable) expectations).

Very interesting... thanks for bringing this up!
Yes, VeryHopefull, it's a lot about the words and trying to find a way to tell T that doesn't trigger so terribly. I seem to have a list of forbidden words with T. "Childish, mother, needy, feeding, stealing love, and the words, infant or baby." I'm trying to get used to saying them in T's presence by mentioning them in passing about some general topic. I feel the rush of fear even so, and feel I barely got away with something when I dare to say one of those forbidden words. I just wonder what could make a person so phobic about certain words.
Sky, If I may ask, how long have you been in therapy? It took me forever and a day to begin to speak about "me" or even get close to letting him "see" the real me; massive trust barrier. Once I actually got the nerve to make myself completely vunerable with him and ask if he would call me for 2 minutes mid-week so I could hear his voice.....just about killed me to spit that out to him. He was so loving and accomodating. I told him I felt SOOO STUPID asking for this. He let me know there is nothing wrong about feeling needy. I never had anyone to go to and he knows that well. The one word he does not like is "should". He said I have a lot of "shoulds". There are no "shoulds". And, it's true. You may be phobic about the words because you may not have been permitted to show your need for care and love when you where growing up. Keep working on it. It will be very freeing. I put a lot of pressure on myself and am learning to ease up and it is really an on-going difficult process.

RT, It really did make me think, glad you found it thought-provoking.
T1... if I sent texts or emails that could be described as 'needy' she ignored them.

She once said to my face that I was 'needy' - which is something I try to avoid ALL the time with everyone. I wish it was ok to be needy - I would, if I was in the T chair, say that it is normal and ok to want reassurance and care.

My current T doesn't allow any outside contact - so there is no chance of acting needy. I try to do my best with the hour I get and then I deal with me. If I was in her chair, I'd tell me I matter more than just a client for one hour.

It is OKAY to be needy! (I am screaming that). There is nothing to be ashamed about feeling that way. I've learned that and been able to express it. It is freeing. We view needy as weak or incompetant. I suppose at the extreme end it could be. We need each other. People need people. The world needs to be kinder to each other. That is why so many suffer in silence. They are afraid to reach out for fear of rejection. This makes me so mad! That is exactly how I grew up and it was so very damaging. I am the only person in my very large family who is willing to risk healing and get help. It is the hardest work I've ever done and it's not pretty!
I'm just not allowed to have needs. Simple as. I can have choices, as long as they aren't needs.

I've not seen my current T for weeks - and as there is no contact between sessions I've just kind of switched off from the whole thing somehow? I'm due to see her on 6th June after a 5 week break. I am required not to need her between sessions - however long the gap.

T1 I do still contact (only ever by brief text). However, she sometimes just simply ignores me. Or I might get a reply a week or two later. Even when I was a paying client it was like that. I knew that certain subjects were off limits (like feeling I needed her) and that such admissions would mean no reply. She tends to reply if I say I'm triggered by something - she does so at the end of her working day - ie not quickly. Not that she has ever specified this - I just worked out her patterns.

So, I choose not to be needy. Like being little - there is very very little point.

Actually, unfairly or not, I feel really pissed off. I wish I had EVER had a T that would actually honestly care about me. One that accepted me and all my messy thoughts and feelings. someone who set boundaries that were discussed and that were reasonable, so that I'd know when I'd get a reply. A T that clearly thought about what the whole being in therapy might be like for me would have been nice. I've had a really cr*p time - what with the NHS and the T I paid (T1) and, although the T I have now is ok - it's so very little and so very far away. At least she isn't complicated and I dont have to be careful and dont spend days after every session crying about the things she did or said (unlike with T1 - who said it was me - clearly not!?!?).

Grumpy here.

Thanks VeryH,

I feel just mixed up. Angry one minute and ashamed the next. The implicit message is that this is the right way to do therapy and if I dont like it I am wrong. It's non-negotiable. She is a nice person and listens when I am there - the previous one could be more unreliable on that front.

Maybe I just wont go back.


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