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i were typing an it go poof! so i start again, geesh, hates that!

i were typin that last week i gots mad at me T an i not moved away from her (her were sitting aside me on the sofa) and i not even said no swear words at her! we just talked abouts it and figured it out. this week i gots upset at her cuz her moved her chair forwards to put something on it(again her were sitting asides me) , but i just said a big 'oh' and her moved it back. she knew right away about it, and then i told her i don't want her to move the chair cuz it's hers and to use a different one that noone usually uses. i cried but i didn't swear or hit or even break anything.

so i been doin lots hard work. maybe it don't sound hard to some though it is for me.

i am samy, for yous here who don't knows me, and i be 14 years old, and an insider of a DID system.

we all takin Art Therapy classes. and mostly it boring for me ! (ha ha) but at least it near the beach so i can go there on our break and watch the seagulls and boats.

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Hi Samy,
I have not responded to you personally yet, but I want you to know that I am glad that your hard work is paying off. Good for you for not swearing. Smiler Therapy is a lot of ups and downs for all of us.

I will admit that I am not as familiar with DID as I would like to be. So I will try to learn as much as I can so I know how to respond good.

Just Me
That is SO awesome, you should be really proud of yourself. And staying close to someone you're mad at sounds like REALLY hard work to me. And you're learning to express your emotions better without acting out by swearing or hitting. And please don't feel like crying is anything to be ashamed about, I actually think my T should charge me extra based on all the tissues I go through in his office! I love that your T sounds like she really understands what its like for you, keep up the good work!


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