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More than a hug, I just wish T would put his arm around my shoulder while we talked or a hand on my shoulder while we pray. I just want him to ground me. I need to be "plugged in" somewhere. And if I am ever even capable of crying in front of him, be better dang well come and hold me!!! I doubt he will, but that's how I feel.
STRM: must be my british humour

you posted

I think I can comply with this. Wink


and the wink in British Humour would be more of a nudge nudge wink wink know what I mean sort of wink.

so I was teasing you back and in British Humour usually the responce to my remark
"not THOSE sort of hugs"
would have been something like:

but all I got was

oh well, never mind. It is hard isn't it doing it all by typing with no tone or inflection or facial expression. Smiler
Originally posted by deepfried:
but all I got was Confused

I know I gave that response (confused) because as far as I know STRM would not give a wink wink nudge nudge kind of hug to her T. I think her wink more represented... "I really like to hug my T, so this will be totally easy for me". A non-sexualized teasing.... so, that's why I was confused. It is definitely hard communicating without being face to face (and even then... it isn't easy).

That is exactly what I meant by the wink. I already (or someone inside) pretty much hugs my T every time we see her so I meant that it wouldn't be hard to comply with "Hug your T week" since it is already something I do. I definitely did not mean it in any sort of inappropriate way. Ick.

I think it is sometimes hard to communicate in writing and then when you add cultural differences to that it can get really confusing. Thanks for clarifying Sadly.
Awww, Sadly. Frowner Maybe you could write and ask him about it. What it made you think, but you were afraid of misinterpreting things? That might be a bit scary, I know. I keep saying how I want T to come sit with me and put an arm around me or give me a hug, but in the end, if he went 99.99% of the way and expected me to be the one to initiate it, I'm not sure I could. That .01% chance of rejection feels like a thousand tons crushing me.

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