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you said you would reply once a month within 2 days. It's been 5.
I am fine. A bit hurt. Not offended, I mean, that's your right. It won't kill me if you answer late, or even not at all. You fail me, but... people are allowed to fail me. It just proves you'll hurt. Which is fine, hurting me is human. I wished it was not the case, but it is expected.


Why would I expect more of a T than of a normal person, it would be unfair to her. Still, I trusted her word.
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I'm sorry T hasn't been as responsive as she promised. Perhaps she is on holiday and hasn't seen your email yet. She has been pretty good about responding so far.

You have to be getting closer to going back to school and actually seeing T. Today is August 1. Most colleges around here start in just a few weeks.

Take care,

Thank you for your answers, it is very helpful and just feels I am not entirely alone on this planet.

Cat: thanks. Some part of me agrees with you, but... not everything. Because maybe it teaches me not to be dependent (at all) on people, and that I must not let myself do that... I don't know. Or maybe I am trying to make sense of her non-answer because it is less hurtful. I don't know...
Thank you a lot.

Jillann: you're very right, and she's probably on holidays. I just wished I knew for sure, with an automatic reply, or sth like that.

And yes, I will be back there in 4/5 weeks, so quite soon, and it will be weird^^

Take care, both of you, and thank you again.


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