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I've been using every calming technique in my bucket, and I'm as ready as I can be.

I was pummeled by Hurricane Irene last year. I was in the midst of a divorce and had just moved out of my marital home permanently, and the place I was living was condemned after that one came through.

So for this one, I've baked my favorite cookies, bought some yarn for a knitting project if I lose power and embarked on a major housecleaning effort to stay busy.

Stay safe, Liese, and anyone else in Sandy's path!

Liese, and anyone else likely to be affected.

We are thinking of you all - from a safe distance Big Grin, and hope you can feel our support.

The satellite image of this thing has made the front pages of most of the papers here today; it looks huge!!

We'll not complain about the UK weather again; well not for a day or two anyway!! Big Grin

Keep safe and well, all of you.

I'm another one who will be impacted by this HUGE storm. I wanted to check in now while we still have power. Last time we lost power for 4 days and I had to throw out everything in my freezer. We are as prepared as we can be.

To everyone else... stay safe.

If I disappear for a bit it's because I've lost my internet. Hopefully nothing worse than just the power loss.

WOW Such devastation! It is hard to get your head around how powerful nature can be. It is times like these that show us just how temporary the physical things around us are. Good to know TN and Outsider are alright. Hope you and your family are alright Liese xxx

Thinking of those affected not only in terms of surviving the hurricane, but also in terms of picking up the pieces.



I just want to pass on to you the great news from
Liese that she and her family are all safe and
well following this weeks awful storm. They are
still without power; the schools will be closed
for the rest of the week and communication is
patchy. She just wants you all to know that
she is okay even though she isnt able to post
much at the moment.

Hi friends.... well we finally have power back and I am really glad. Being in the dark was no fun but it was worse dealing with the very cold temps at night. My house was in the 40's. We were lucky to have hot water so we could shower but it was like a fridge when you got out of the hot water! Not fun. Schools were closed all week, my office was closed for two days and there was NO sun to warm houses during the day. My son was invited to a friends house with a generator for a few days so that was good.

I missed my computer and TV. I felt cut off from the world for those days without power. We were very fortunate in that we only lost a tree and had no water damage at all. Unfortunately, many of my friends and family that live in Staten Island and New Jersey were not as lucky. Staten Island was hit very hard and it breaks my heart to see the loss there, not only of property but of life.

Anyway, I'm glad to be back and will be participating more (hopefully) and moderating my two forums again. Work continues to be a difficult situation that is getting worse. I have a few more days in my own office before I have to move out and I have a 3rd boss to work for now that I have NO time for. I'm exhausted from stress, anxiety, overwork, fear and the cold temperatures. My T has been very supportive and I would not be able to survive without him right now.

Hugs to all
Good to hear you survived Sandy though not without suffering. Glad you've finally got power back - being without power is a serious reminder of just how vulnerable we are when the group systems we rely on for survival fail (couldn't help but draw an analogy between the dependence on electricity and attachment theory Roll Eyes.)

Seriously, I'm so sorry work is just getting worse and adding to your burdens. Hopefully once your domestic routine is back up and running normally, you'll have a little bit less anxiety on that front and more strength to deal with everything else.

Glad you could stay in touch with T during the power cuts. Look forward to hearing more from you soon.

(((((( TN )))))


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