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Well, in follow up to my last post regarding feeling spoiled or taken care of...I had my session today(after a two week break because my T went to a conference). During the two-week hiatus prior to the session I had not contacted my T at all...highly unusual for me 'cause I either email or call her almost every other day! The reason I had not contacted her was in response to a comment she had made during our last conversation; which was, "have you processed this(feelings) with anyone else?" I took this to mean that she was growing tired of me contacting her and was wanting me to talk with someone else about my problems. so...I got angry...and...I withdrew and hence the non contact for two weeks. to today's session....during our session she was clearly upset at my withdrawing...she was honest and said that it hurts when someone you connect with starts to withhold from you...and...she said that she felt(and rightly so...unfortunately) that I was punishing her for her comment.....and I feel terrible...she is so right...I was trying to punish her...all out of not trusting her caring for me and assuming that she no longer wanted to show her care by allowing me to talk with her on a regular basis. I feel guilty for this lack of trust on my part...I mean the woman time and again has expressed, demonstrated so much attunement and love how could I not trust her? I'm so very sad that my mistrust runs so very deep! any of you ever feel such a mistrust or fear of trusting...even your T's? Do you ever feel guilt over it? Have you ever out and out punished your T's because of it? If did the relationship get repaired? I would appreciate any feedback....thank You for reading this(even though I don't post much..) Sincerely, MLC
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Wow MLC, it's like we lived the same moment! I too had that comment made to me. I too, took it the wrong way. I withdrew also and my T and I talked about it. My T knew I really had no one else to talk to but was just checking in with me. The thing is that as a child I had no one to go to. As an adult I had no one to go to I had isolated myself so. My T and I talked about this for a long time. The reassurance and trust that I got from her was so important. I actually was able to be an adult and taljk about this rationally. It was enlightening really. Talk Talk Talk is all you can do. ((MLC))

Thanks Monte...your perspective helped me to be kinder to myself through all of this...and thanks you've been through the same thing!!! I too had isolated myself and to this day I continue to isolate...and my T knows this....I hope my T and I will talk about it for awhile...what kinds of things did you learn from it all(if you don't mind sharing...)...and again...Thank You, MLC

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