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Hey TAS,

Okay, this will be the long version.

I tried a few sessions with a hynotherapist. It was all BLT's fault. Smiler (Okay, not really, but I was interested in trying an alternative therapy to supplement the work I was doing with my T, and I was intrigued by the somatic experiencing stuff she would write about her T doing from time to time.)

So, I did a little googling looking for a somatic experience T in my area and found one nearby who listed SE as well as several other kinds of alternative therapies, including hypnotherapy and guided imagery (which I was also interested in). She also claimed to be a trauma therapist. I was intrigued and scheduled a session.

At the first visit, we just did normal intake stuff, I gave information about my background and symptoms, and she told me about the kind of work she does and what her recommendations were for me specifically. It turned out she worked primarily as a hypnotherapist and seemed most enthusiastic about this approach and thought it could be helpful for me. I was a little cautious, and she encouraged me to research it and come back if I decided I wanted to try.

I did some research and concluded it was safe enough and scheduled another session. At that one, she put me under right away after some brief chit chat.

I will say that being hypnotized was pretty cool. I liked the experience on the whole. It was like dreaming, but I was awake enough to hear and respond to what she was saying. She walked me through a guided imagery script while I was under hypnosis, and for the most part it was relaxing and fun.

But (you knew there was a but coming, right?) towards the end something in the script triggered me. It wasn't anything inherently triggering in the script itself (which was quite gentle), just happened to be an issue for me personally. I had all this scary, intrusive, menacing imagery coming up and I don't really remember what happened after that. I left feeling physically relaxed but mentally a bit shaken. It was a strange sensation.

That week I had a lot of bad headaches and some really terrifying nightmares. Also increased anxiety. When I saw the hypno T again she asked me if anything had come up for me during the week, and when I described my headaches and dreams she seemed rather alarmed, basically said that wasn't supposed to happen, and that for some people hypnotherapy wasn't a good idea and I was apparently one of them. Well. . .

She suggested doing some guided imagery without me being in a trance, and that went well enough. I did two sessions of that and I think it helped a little with my anxiety and dissociation, since we worked on scripts and exercises designed to address those things. We had tentatively decided to work together on a monthly basis or as needed (and my T was okay with this) but at my fifth session she forgot some fairly major parts of my history, and that was a bit difficult for me. I just felt like some generic person on a therapy assembly line (and I had felt a bit like that with her all along). My other T is a much better fit. Idk, between one thing and another I never scheduled another session with her after that. I told her I wanted to think about it and would let her know if I wanted to schedule again, and that was that.

Sorry so long winded. Let me know if you have any questions.
Hi TAS, I don't think we've "met" before Smiler

Just wanted to let you know that I tried hypnotherapy twice, both times around very severe anxiety I had about an upcoming exam. The first session we did a gentle "practice" hypnosis where I got to feel what it's like to be in a trance and get a feel for how it works. Like heldincompassion, it felt very dreamlike, but I felt in control and aware the whole time.

The 2nd time we did it, it started the same but we basically went through the entire process of my exam while I was hypnotized and every time I would become anxious we would use imagery and words to help me feel calm and capable. I visualized myself doing all the steps involved in my exam perfectly while feeling totally relaxed. My T helped me feel the sensations in my body of being calm, able, and confident and really experience it deeply so when I was not in trance I could do the same thing and remember the sensations easily.

Anyways, it totally worked. I had been fearing this one particular exam for years (it was the practical exam for my college program where we had to perform hands on tasks for a teacher who judged us). My fear of this test was literally the reason it took me 10 years to go back to school. On my way to the exam when I felt the anxiety creeping in, I was able to remember that physical sensation of being calm and capable and the anxiety just melted away. The whole time I was doing my test I could hear in my head the empowering phrases we'd gone over and over when I was under hypnosis. I did a great job on the test and was so thankful for the hypnosis. I think without it I probably would have choked and bolted out of the exam room.

One thing I noticed after both hypnosis sessions is I left feeling very relaxed and very "open". I am a very empathic person normally, but after hypnosis I would be sitting on the bus and could feel the emotions of everybody around me very vividly. It wasn't scary, but I could see it being distressing if I encountered someone aggressive or got triggered. It passed after a couple hours each time.

Unfortunately it was shortly after that 2nd hypnosis session that a bunch of things went wrong with my therapy for other reasons and I never got to try it again for any of my other issues. But I would definitely do it again if I found a T I felt comfortable with. That is another thing I noticed... I felt like I really had to trust my T a lot before I was willing to try hypnosis. It took months to get there, and even then, I felt very vulnerable to close my eyes and go so deep in my imagination with my T there. But that's just me.

Hope this helps.

I have not experienced hypnotherapy myself, but my father was a hypnotherapist ad we have talked about his work.
The idea behind hypnotherapy is to work with the subconscious mind and bypass the conscious mind. This is particularly useful if the client has difficulty remembering incidents or has used the conscious mind to lock away memories which are too painful or difficult to deal with. It helps also if the client is resistent or just finds it difficult, shameful,or scary to discuss things. Under hypnosis you are in deep relaxation and some of these inhibitions are relaxed, but it is only if you are willing and 'let go'. Despite TV stories, you cannot be forced to do anything that you do not want to.
I think it can be a very effective aid to therapy if used carefully.Huge emotions can be released as memories are 'relived' under hypnosis and I think it is important to have skill therapist who you trust to then help you process these emotions.
One problem my father found in England is that their is no regulation of hypnotherapist. There are several organisations offering training, but of widely varying standards. If interested it is therefore very important to check out the therapist qualifications and experience.Preferably someone referred to you by a satisfied client or other therapist.
Hope I have been some help to you. Smiler

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