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At the stage of my 30 something years in therapy, the closer we got to core feelings of rage and fear the more brain found it necessary for me to distract. She made sure most of my session time was taken up by my today issues. I remembered those issues as not being important enough to warrant a full session, but off brain went on her multiple tangents that had nothing to do with therapy.

T was a wake up to brains avoidant tactics and suggested I try hypnotherapy as a way to focus my thoughts in on my family. Up until that time I had always marveled at how brave brain was to cope with the nasty side of therapy. By then, most of my defences has been broken down which made emotion more accessible, but brain wasn’t having a bar of it. She poured on distraction as a means to keep me safe from intense feelings of rage and fear.

Despite the weeks warning prior to my first hypno I felt afraid. And during it, I found myself keeping a half an eye on the therapist every ten minutes. I didn’t like what little control I had taken away to go into some kind of off beat La La land. I went along with it though and giggled my way through my first hypno.

When I became more comfortable with the procedure, and after testing I was still in control by opening my eyes at will, it began to work. I did focus on family issues. Later I began to utilize imagination in fantasies. I call hypno my FX channel!

Brain still isn't keen on the intrusion though and continues to demand control. I find myself having to reassure her each and every time I 'go under' that we will be safe. Instead of imagining the numbers he counts me down with I now 'see' the word and feel SAFE.

We do not underestimate the power of brain; she will use hypno to sometimes distract me too. I can become too safe under hypno's influence, and avoid todays problems with it.

What might make me feel horrified, terrified, and enraged without hypno can easily be tolerated with it. Hypno continues the therapy process by making intolerable emotions accessible enough to vent. It can by bypass the fear of rage.

I dont know enough about brain and what the effects of hypno can have on the individual. I tend to think it could be very dangerous in the hands of anyone who doesn't know what they are doing. I would never see it as a quick fix, and a way to get to repressed emotions unless our defenses have been slowly and carefully 'dealt with' first. There must be a certain amount of trust in the therapist too before brain can accept such an intrusion. My hypno has always been light enough to bring mysef out of it at will, and yet deep enough to allow access to thought and emotion. There is a very fine line there me thinks, and no patient should be put at risk by attempting it without the proper training.

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Hmm - very thought provoking. My journey this time in therapy started with a dip into hypnotherapy, before I had expressed any emotions, and I was running scared after two sessions. I did find it uncanny how in the first session ever with new T we went to a place and time which was deeply disturbing for me, and which I rarely want to dwell on, but after that I just panicked, so we stopped, and took a more traditional route.
And like your ' self love' post I have begun to have times of feeling content.
However my session this week prior to a break saw me back to fearful rage which I find incapacitating, my T tells me not to stop breathing because each time. I hold my breath I am resisting expressin the rage, and she won't allow me to self harm in any way, which is one of my strategies for managing the build up of rage. I wonder if now I am in touch with those emotions, have no more hiding places, I could use hypnotherapy to manage the rage?
I will talk to my T about it when she returns, and I get over my rage on her return!
It's interesting to read this part of your story, muff. I'm glad the hypno went well for you. I tried it once. . . not with my T, but a different one I was seeing on a lark, so to speak.

While I was under hypnosis I became flooded with all this scary, intrusive imagery. It was distressing and very unpleasant. I had a headache and nightmares for several days afterward. Just thinking about it now I'm feeling really tense and anxious.

Any idea what could be up with that?
HIC, I dont know enough about brain and what the effects of hypno can have on the individual. I tend to think it could be very dangerous in the hands of anyone who doesn't know what they are doing. I would never see it as a quick fix, and a way to get to repressed emotions unless our defenses have been slowly and carefully 'dealt with' first. There must be a certain amount of trust in the therapist too before brain can accept such an intrusion. My hypno has always been light enough to bring mysef out of it at will, and yet deep enough to allow access to thought and emotion. There is a very fine line there me thinks, and no patient should be put at risk by attempting it without the proper training.

Thanks for sharing your experience with hypno, Muff. It has sparked my interest even more.

My T is trained in hypno, and uses it in her practice, but never on me. I suspect it may have to do with my defenses, those walls are high, and many layers in them. It may be that she thinks I am not ready, or it would not be safe for me.

I think I will ask her about this when I see her

Hi All,
My father was ahypnotherapist for 25 years. It is very useful for people with resistance, shame ect, it bypasses the conscious mind, which maybe blocking the progress and works directly with the subconscious.
However, my father also said he would be reluctant to recommend hypnotherapy in UK because it is so unregulated and he has met so many hypnotherapists at meetings and training courses,who he feels have no idea what they are doing. I don't know how it is in other part of the world, but in Uk anyone can go on a course and call themselves a hypnotherapist.
That said a good hypnotherapist can help a lot.

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