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**TW** Suicide

I am afraid to post here, because I am so afraid of my worthless/inferior/bad and abandoned/rejected feelings getting triggered. Yet I am here anyway taking foolish risks.

I am having another episode of T trauma. Yes, the T I left 5 weeks ago. I don't feel like I can go into the details right now, but I will say that it is gut wrenching and I feel again in intolerable pain. I don't know how to deal with these feelings. They overwhelm me and I just want to make them stop. My head goes to that space where there is only one solution.

I feel very alone. I am very alone. The tears keep coming.

Red Tomati
Original Post

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Red Tomato...I cannot tell you how glad I am you have posted when you're hurting so much. I really and truly mean that, RT.

Because I don't want to risk triggering you even further, I'm only going to say you have no idea how much I wish I could reach through this impersonal cyber land and give you a comforting hug. I hate to think you're suffering so much alone, to the point you feel foolish for even just reaching out here, no matter how briefly. Please, please, please do not think you're only option is a drastic one.

Please know I am thinking of you and truly wishing you could find some help you so desperately need.

If it's okay, I want to send you some very gentle hugs and support.

Hug two
RT, I'm so glad you posted here too. And wish there was some way to soothe the pain, beyond just saying we care for you and wish you well.

Like others I feel a little worried that saying too much could trigger more, but I want to say that over the years I've seen quite a number of people here go through this hell of losing a t. The agony has such force.

I've also seen, over and over again, how the situation turns around. I've experienced it myself, too. What happens is, you look around at your smashed pieces, and at some point you begin to gather together your will and your NEED to find the next step. You are armed with new knowledge about what you can and can't tolerate, what you need and what you desire. You understand the deep risks and you still feel the need. You decide to take on the risk of reaching out again, come hell or high water, because the alternatives offer nothing. And because there are flickers of hope, however painful. And because we don't get another chance to witness 'the beauty of the light upon this earth', as the song goes. Hang in there, RT. Call some other Ts. There is someone who is going to help you turn this right around, and then all kinds of things are possible.
Hey RT... I have not been on line much but I just saw this and want to say how glad I am that you are reaching out to different places for support. As Jones said, she and I and many others here have lost T's, some in dramatic ways, but have reached inside to find the strength and reached out to others and have moved on with other T's. It's horribly painful and takes some time but I know you have that strength inside you because you have shown it here. You just need to believe it yourself and believe IN yourself. You will find recovery and peace again. Just take one step at a time.

I wish you all the best for tomorrow and truly hope this works out for you.

I'm feeling the love, ((((peeps)))).

The Kid
closed doors
True North
Attachment Girl
and a little bunny

I so appreciate your encouragement and support and understanding. Truly.

I did attend the first day of the "Partial Hospitalization" program today. I talked a bit in group about my relationship with T and how I struggled with it. People in the group were like, "you gotta leave that B," but none of them grasped the attachment side of things. It made me think of you all here, because you DO understand. I am hoping that when I am able to have an individual session, it will be with a counselor who does understand about attachment and neediness and therapist failings and the long-ago woundings of parental neglect/emotional abuse.

Between my feelings of unworthiness and my religious past which essentially denied my reality (no you don't really have a headache and no you're not really depressed), I have a hard time discerning and trusting what really is true. Was it really parental neglect or am I too sensitive? Did the therapist's own issues really get in the way or was I too much for her? Do forum members really not care about me (doesn't appear to be so), or are they simply involved in their own life? I struggle to find my truth. I struggle even more to be in relationship.

So I will go back tomorrow and see what I can learn.

I am also very late, but want to add my support to the pile. Yes, we here very much understand the attachment side of things and the deep pain that is endured when you lose a T. I am finding it does lessen in intensity gradually with time, though that is not much comfort when you feel you can't endure it a minute longer. Please try to hold on one day (or one hour) at a time, believing there are better days ahead.

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