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Last Saturday's revelations by my parents are just now fully hitting me and I feel devastated by everything they told me, demanded of me, cajoled me into agreeing to and saying. T said during our appt last Wed the questions she asked of me were not healthy and loaded in so many ways. I feel like the numbness is wearing off and being replaced with newfound feelings of abandonment. I don't know the reason - did my parents die in a car accident like I was led to believe all these years or was I left at the hospital by two alcoholic young parents???? It feels like this just happened yesterday! I don't know if I'm coming or going. My stomach feels sick, my head is dizzy and the panic attacks come almost at the drop of a hat.

What parent says those things to a child they supposedly love like they're talking about the grocery list???

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I am not sure I understand all that has happened for you in this interaction but it sure sounds terribly painful and confusing.

As to the panic, can you do some things to calm yourself and help you feel safe right now? I usually curl up in a ball under the covers in bed. This helps me sometimes. Or does it help you to reach out and talk to someone who knows what is going on? I am worried about you and I care about you. No matter what happened it should not be talked about like a grocery list. And certainly you deserve to know the truth if it is possible to attain.

Please keep talking to us here.
Sorry this is hard to process, TK. It has sounded very difficult, and of course you would be feeling all of this stuff. Usually when numb wears off, in my own experience w/ somatic work and what my T has explained, anxiety and/or anger will often come up as we dethaw. I'm sorry your T wasn't more effective during the appointment, at least she can see that though. I've had my Ts pursue one method in session and later realize it wasn't exactly the right place to go and it can get better.

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