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My attempts at coming clean with my T with issues surrounding the way we interact always turn to crap. I am frustrated, disappointed, and really upset. I come up against her defensiveness, I get angry, and everything unravels before my very eyes. Yeah I know I dropped that bomb weeks ago, but I can't just 'go deeper' into that without clearing up all this other shit first. This frustrates T to no end.

I so long to have a relationship that is easy. I want to feel that caring that I see so clearly is being experienced from other users here. I can't have it, and I realize I have created my own monster by digging my heels in and trying to make this work.

This blows

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Sorry you are so upset. If it's any consolation, I think it blows too.

I don't know if there are any relationships that are easy, but I think there are relationships that are healthy, and caring. I'll have one of those too!

Our connection with our T's drives the therapy, so I know you're pissed, and frustrated, and angry, but keep talking about it when you can, and try not to be so hard on yourself!


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