Then in the beginning of the session my T mentioned that he was going away for the weekend and I knew that he was going to where his sister lived and he had just visited her in August. I asked if she was okay and he told me his slightly older sister had passed away. I felt so sad for him. I understand why he told me (rather than lie about his trip or refuse to tell me) and I told him how sorry I was. Then he focused the session on my relationship with my husband and my hopelessness. Pretty quickly he referred to my criticism of my husband and how he feels attacked by me. All I could hear was it was my fault and I should criticize and it was so different than last week when I thought he understood how painful things were for me.
So besides feeling like he was calling me critical and blaming me for the state of my marriage I was also thinking this is so unimportant compared to losing a sibling. I felt like I wasted his time and I just feel so stupid. I don't understand why I don't just quit when I spend so much time feeling like I am not doing therapy right and I don't have anything to talk about and then I go and waste a session feeling hurt and alone and being silent. I feel wrong. Wrong if I quit therapy, wrong how I do therapy, wrong for thinking about T's loss, wrong for not caring enough about T. Argh