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AH... that is pretty awesome of your T to both recognize the deficiency in their training and to actually DO something about it. That is a real validation of the harm you suffered there. Kudos to your T. And I wholeheartedly agree that there is a huge gap in knowledge and understanding of trauma... especially the C-PTSD kind, within the mental health community. I don't feel that either attachment or C-PTSD is well addressed in training T's and we suffer as a result. It's pretty sad when the client knows more than the T.

My T did something also to validate the damage that was done to me. He put out the word in the community of T's in this area how much damage oldT did to a patient of his and how incompetent and unknowledgeable he was.

About the building... I suffer the same thing. It hurts to pass the old farmhouse (which I must do often). I have never resolved leaving that place itself that I felt was my "home". I was never allowed back in the building and I continually have dreams and nightmares about being there. I guess I'm still unconsciously or subconsciously trying to resolve that loss.


(((TN))) I am so happy your T put the word out like that, I thought of you a lot when posting this. I am really glad that new T said she will be introducing C-PTSD in her trauma class (and she hadn't heard of it before we started working together!) Eeker She said since I introduced it to her and she has since researched it and read Pete Walker's material, she feels there is an urgent need for T's to become educated about it, and she wanted to do her part to further that training. I really love her for putting so much into this, I feel like the work she and I have done has covered miles of ground in a short time, she really puts her heart into it.

I thought about you and the building issue too, I wish/ wonder if there would ever be a way for your T to help you around that somehow... I hate that you still feel so much pain from that loss. I hope you start to feel more resolve and peace about that, I know it hurts so very much Frowner

Hug two

(((liese))) thank you liese Hug two I am incredibly thankful and beyond appreciative of her. I can't believe when I first met back with her I questioned if she's ever understand me/ believe me/ validate and in such a short time she's making such a huge gesture of understanding. I am so thankful that she listened and looked into things for herself, and I am MOST happy for future clients so that they will get a better experience there. I feel like my big struggle now will be in telling myself it's ok to be taken care of

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