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...i feel so disconnected. it is like, i don't want to participate in my life, because i am scared of something. i vaguely think i am scared of my true feelings, one, being, i don't know if i really "love".

i pretend. i do the right things. but, it all feels like pretending to do what i should do.

do i really love anyone?

would i really let myself 'go' that freely to love anyone?

and, i don't know how to say this. but, my presence here is a pretence.

really, i do care about people. but, i have to say, y'all are an escape from reality.

i have this really wwwweeeiiiirrrrddd thing. i feel like i want to shut everyone off. i don't intend to hurt anyone here. i am just speaking from the heart. i feel like i need to eliminate anything in my life that is 'not real'. and live with what is real. i am afraid, somewhat to say this, but i think i have to end this. there is a part of me that hates this place. not the people, but, i so often peak at my threads, and no one responds. i try to help others....IS it sincere?

on the surface, i love everyone. people have helped me, and i know so many people are hurting, just like me.

but, too often, i just feel hurt that i am not important. (and please don't tell me i am, it would not ring true right now).

i am sure everyone has felt this way. so, if you are bristled by my abruptness, first, consider if you have felt that way, too.

i just feel i am turning a corner, and am not sure what is really on the other side. BUT, i have a husband i ignore TOO often. i have kids that so often i am afraid to get close to. for fear i will find that they are depressed, just like i was at their age.

so, to prevent my anxiety at facing some of these real issues in my life, i escape, into here, into 'theory of psychology', into so many places, that, inevitably will not prove rewarding at the end of my years.

what will prove rewarding, is, to be present for my life.

i hope no one personalizes this. really, it is 'the mass' here, that i am, unconsciously, MAD AT. and when i really try to analyze it, it is not the people, it is the IDEA of this, that i KNOW is an escape from reality. and i am displacing my anger at myself for my own escape ONTO the people of the forum. so, the adult sees that, the child is mad. mad that i am not important.

please understand that.

maybe i shouldn't even share my thoughts about this, i guess i do, in that, maybe someone else can be helped by it. my masochistic/charitable confusion.

a part of me doesn't want anyone to respond to this. a large part.

in analyzing that, i guess, if no one responds to my departure, it will help prove my theory that i am not important, and am right to leave.

and, also, what can anyone say that the critic in my won't just think as trite.

geez, with poor preppie girl's death, i don't know. something changed. i can't figure out what. it just makes me not want to be here. not want to care about things that...idk...i can't figure out my thoughts here.


i think the best thing for me to do is leave, wish everyone well, and ask...

you know what it is. i want to trainwreck this place for me, so that i CAN'T come back. i feel like the only way i can have control of not spending so much time here, is to tarnish my reputation so that i am too ashamed to come back.

but, when i talk to y'all more easily and deeply than i talk to my husband, something is wrong.

gosh, i wish i could make y'all not respnd to me. nothing anyone could say could make me happy. other than assurance that no one likes me. that would prove me right. i LIKE to be hurt.

a martyr??

why, i must ask.

is being sad and depressed the only way i feel 'authentic'?

or maybe i am just fishing to see if anyone cares.

but, really, i come, i goes on for everyone.

one day, i am going to have to realize the insignificance of me, and that i just matter to those closest to me, and that i need to focus my attention on what really matters.

honestly, i am blowing out this stuff, not wanting to hurt anyone, really, not even unconsciously in my adult self. who knows about the kid, i think she always wants to hurt others as she is so, for her, i can't be responsible, only recognize that about her, know where it comes from, try my best to not act upon it. and, let the adult do the decisions.

so what does that mean here??

'post now' or 'delete?'


i think, post now, and run.

old patterns, yes.

throw the bomb, and run for cover.


what is my 'win'??

why do i do this...self sabatouge??

i just think i want to leave, and i know if i don't 'finalize' things, i will keep it open.

i am leaving, i won't come back.

it is not y'alls 'fault', i just know i spend too much time here. i want to hate you all. i don't, i hate myself for spending so much time here and working to develop friendships that really, i can't count on my fingers as friends. that sounds cruel, and i don't mean it cruel, but, i am sure you DO understand.

i have faces staring at me in my own house.

i need to attend to THEM.

i need to quit escaping my own life. THAT is the anxiety i have.

so, i guess, i am leaving. no big 'ta da'. but, i am leaving to pursue my 'get back into it'. so, it is a good thing.

i am not angry with you all. it is ALL projection.

y'all have taught me alot.

i wish you all the best of times, many of you, and you know who you all are, have been quite special to me. maybe, too special. and that beckons me to look at this a bit differently.

i guess it is progress.

i am sure not ending therapy, but, i am cutting one tie.

you never know with me, i may be back tomorrow. but, i am going to TRY going without you all.

i am going to try to let go, and move more fully into my reality.


thanks, all. i hope i have brought some laughs and support to y'all. you certainly have to me.

i know you understand. thanks for letting me voice this anger i feel, and understand it's source.

...there is nothing, not even a t, more patient than cyber space, BEFORE you press POST NOW.

so, thanks for letting me air this out. for letting me think it through.

it is spreading my wings. i may circle back to this nest. but, i think it is time to try it.

xxoo, jill
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I think you are looking to be authentic, to express your authentic feelings, and for others to do the same- and that is great.

It's not about leaving being right, it's about if leaving is right for you at this time. It is very irritating and hurtful to not be important, isn't it. I also have an awareness that I wouldn't break hearts if I wasn't around. Sure a few people might miss my posts, or be happy to see them when I do show up, but lets face it, nobody can care about us as much as we needed our parents to. Online friends may like us and appreciate what we have to say, but their love is not deep and abiding unless the relationship manages to get to a deeper level somehow- and we are not "special" in that "it's only me" sense- it's an equal relationship, shared with many others. I am well aware that you know all of this, and that I'm running at the mouth. Big Grin Some painful and valuable lesson to be learned in there, and one that probably has a lot more to do with you being valuable than not valuable.

Other than that- I can say that you wrote nothing shocking or appalling in your post that I haven't felt many times myself. Sorry to disappoint you! Smiler This place has taught me a lot about myself. You may not be able to believe it, but you *have* been a big part of that, and I *do* have feelings of liking and respect for you. The feelings I get when I post here are very, very instructive to me- almost like a spotlight on my problems, my way of relating. It's a support forum, yes, but by it's nature it acts very much like a therapy relationship, I notice. Anyway jill, I just really appreciate your authenticity, and I want to echo LG, as to this place- it's here if you need it, much like a good T.

That drives people with issues like ours absolutely crazy- I get that. It's like the whole texting thing. arrg. You mean I can do it as much as I want and I may or may not get a response, but how much I do it is all up to me?? wtf!

As to getting into one's life- I see this place very much as you do, it can become self-destructive- not the relationships, but the *time spent.* I find I do spend too much time here when my life is hurting badly, and yes, I can use it also as an escape and a coping mechanism. It's why I disappear for long periods of time and then come back when the ache of daily lonliness gets too bad and I can't bear it anymore. At this point I've just decided to throw caution to the winds since I'm in a really bad place-, but I'm sure I'll go limping off again sometime soon.

Anyway- thanks for your honesty. fwiw, I've noticed big changes in you since you started posting. You seem less shaky. Be well,


**edited lots of times as I am prone to doing..**
Last edited by blackbird

I agree that many here have probably felt just as you feel. The lack of reality, the escapism, the avoiding real relationships to be here, the worrying about how you are perceived and why no one wants to respond. Do they really care? Do I really care? I've been here just a couple of weeks and I'm already finding myself wondering those things. If it's time to go, I understand. If you just need a break or decide you want to come back, it will be wonderful to see you here again. It's OK to have people or places be there for a season in your life (or several seasons). Either way, lots of love in your direction. And yes, I believe it is sincere, even though we can't really know one another yet! Smiler
Hi Jill,
It's a tough balance and only you can know what is best for you. There are times when the forums can be such a resource for me and really help my healing. Having access to people who really get this stuff and don't look slightly scared and edge toward the door when I talk to them can be priceless. Big Grin

On the other hand, I've also had times where it has been easier to hide here, helping other people than to face the stuff around me. And I know there have been times when the amount of time I spend on the site has become a bone of contention in my family. I've taken breaks several times to try and find a balance and shore up my boundaries.

Thank you for trusting us enough to be honest about your feelings. FWIW, I have sometimes struggled with the same feelings. We're discussing very deep, important matters here most of the time, the kind of stuff that can realy make you vulnerable to say. And most of us don't have good experiences with being vulnerable in the past. It makes sense that it can stir a lot of difficult feelings. I really appreciate that you are sorting through that and trying to see what's yours and what is other people's.

And I want to add my voice to the chorus. There are no bridged being burned behind you. I hope that leaving here helps you to find what you're looking for. I hope that your flight brings you back here. In the meantime, take good care of yourself. You'll be missed.

hi jill

I'm glad you clicked the "post now" button. I want to write more, and hope to be able to come back later, just to say bye - but I'm a space cadet tonight and about to head out of town so I can only post this right now. I totally agree with all that's been said and I'm glad you are doing what you need to do to engage life more. You can be mad at "us", and guess what, we'll still be here with no burned bridges if you ever need/want to come back. ha. so there. (kindness and acceptance is kind of annoying sometimes huh? :P )

ok i'm being weird. but I am serious that I'm glad you posted what you did. it was moving. I have watched you grow so much. Yeah, I admit it, I'm sad to see you go... eh, I guess I just want to keep you here for me! your kind, faithful, and authentic heart encourages and challenges me.

go, fly, engage, live, take care of the loved ones around you ... and if your journey crosses path with mine again (and yes, I admit it, I hope it does), I will be glad to see you again...

miss you already,

gosh, thanks all for the hugs!!

i am doing pretty well. i feel it was a good decision to drop dbt gal. still with dear dr. pa, twice a week. he is really helpful. a few ruptures that he just sails me through. his humility and kindness are bewildering. he actually apologized for a small thing (i told him when i compliment him or tell him how much he is helping me, he changes the subject leaving me feeling rejected and weird for 'being nice') ... i was shocked with his non-defensive stance!! how refreshing!! a man with his shit together.

one thing i see now, don't know if it helps anyone, but, unless a t has had plenty of their own therapy (my pa has had several analyses) they are so susceptable to injuring US with their unhealed wounds. i see it in my past t's. every one of them.

anyway, just a major plug for psychiatrist/analyst approach.

leaving here has helped me not obsess about all the other options in therapy, and squirrelly little things that may or may not be relevant to my therapy. and as much as i like to help others, right now it is still best for me to focus on my life. but, y'all sure are great people and i wish you all well.

rock on, sisters (and the occasional brother), healing is slow, oh, so slow....month 19 and counting. but, i am better. a few trainwrecks still, but he is helping me to accept myself, and HE really believes in me...and sometimes, i think he has a point.

much love and prayers your way!! xxoo jill

It was SO good to hear from you. I've been wondering how you are doing. I'm so glad to hear you are still with sweet dr. pa and that he remains helpful, supportive and most of all....non-defensive! That is just so important. And of course we ALL have those small ruptures in therapy, it teaches us about relationships and it seems that dr. pa is doing well in sailing you through those times.

And I totally agree with you about Ts who need to clear out their own crap before contaminating our therapy with it. My current T has had years of therapy and it seem that unfortunately my oldT did NOT and boy could he use a good T!

Glad you stopped by to check in and update us. Wishing you many more good, warm, deep, attuned and connecting sessions with dr. pa and lots of wonderful growth.


Thanks so much for replying to this thread, I had missed it! And thank you for the article. I love sailing and thought it made the perfect analogy for the tension in therapy.

It was just wonderful to hear that you are doing well, I hope your work with Dr PA continues to help you. I am glad you trusted yourself to know what you needed. And thanks for updating us!


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