Sorry I havent' been posting, I've just been really worn out and exhausted and haven't felt like I've had anything to give. My husband had off Easter weekend but my final turnover was on that Tuesday. On Monday night, the plant went back down and he went back on 12 1/2 hour shifts. He worked through the following Sunday, then had Monday off and was supposed to be on normal hours the rest of teh week and he got a beep that evening at 9:30 PM that the second plant had scrammed, so he's back on 12 hour shifts indefinitely. So I finally finished the OT but as soon as I was done, I was on my own again at home and had to go through the periodontal surgery alone.
I've been struggling with feeling very depleted, and have been bordering on being depressed, especially since I am still trying to process the grief about leaving therapy. So from an objective point of view I've been handling everything well, but subjectively, it feels like it's costing a lot, and that I'm going to go under any second. I have found myself pulling further and further into myself.
I finally broke down on Tuesday evening and emailed my T to ask for an appointment. If for no other reason, to have an hour to worry only about myself. But seriously, I want to be able to talk about and hopefully, understand, all the feelings that are being kicked up. I know this is stressful, but it feels like I should be handling it better than I am. I start to feel overwhelmed, but then it flips and it's like "what's the big deal?" Not that I would judge myself harshly, nope, not me, no sir.
I do find I am feeling a lot better knowing I have an appointment to see my T and I'm also slowly getting my house back into some kind of reasonable shape. The reduction in chaos is helping. I'm hoping at some point, my life will slow down and I can get back to be around regularly. I miss everyone.