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I don't know what to do with myself. My house is clean. I have one book to read and another to study. I could play a game with my kids. But I'm frozen and I can't move. I don't know what's wrong. I think I'm afraid of tomorrow, Sunday. We don't have anything planned. If we sit around the house again all day, I might just explode. I'm not enjoying H's company these days so we don't do anything together. I don't really like doing anything with him period - even with the kids. We're a bit short on cash and so can't spend any money. If I think of something to do with the kids, H will want to come. Maybe I should just take some time for myself but being short on cash and people to visit, what the heck would I do with myself?

I just wish I knew what to do with myself and how to cope with these weekend days. I live for the week when he goes back to work. I feel like there is a vice grip on the house when he is home. Frowner

Does anyone have any ideas?
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Walk to/in a park? I live near a place with turtles and watch them.

Look up if there are festivals, art openings, performances, etc that are free on your local newspaper's online site? There are lots of those where I live.

Um, what my T has me do when I can't figure out what to do with myself (which can make me feel really SU sometimes, honestly) is to go have coffee. That's cheap - sometimes it turns my mind a bit just being out there with people that I don't have to necessarily interact with. I listen to music or read. It might inspire your interest back in to your book.

Watch or go to a movie by yourself? Do you have a cheap theatre around (like a $2 place that maybe shows stuff that has been out slightly longer).

Sometimes physical activity can help but it's hard to get motivated to do that - a walk can sometimes lead to a work out for me.

Cook or bake something new? Smells can help...

I can resonate with you on feeling trapped when there are other people in the house. That you sort of have to drag them around, or they are a weight on you. It's very hard to be in relationships for me because I need someone who can figure out what they want to do and go do that with or without me and conversely be okay with me going out to do something by myself.

Getting out around others or the outdoors and/or moving your body helps so much so I'd suggest anything nearby where you can do that.

Thank you both for the suggestions and support. I wound up taking a xanax and going to sleep. Might need another one today but I found something for H to do with the kids. So, that works.

I love the baking idea and so do the kids. Just have to stay calm until tomorrow. Already went to spin. Maybe a walk outside would be nice. It's a beautiful day here.

Thanks again!

i know exactly how you feel, my husband and I are seperated but live in the same house. I hate the weekends and evenings. I have taken to going on long walks (it also fits in with my ED). I have discovered that we have a lovely canal not so far away so the weekend is, get on the bus to the canal and walk for miles. It is so peaceful and the head empties. I tend to panic if it is raining and then I walk round and round the shopping centres, as like you, cash is short. I hope it goes well and you don't get too stressed over it.

I often go to the library when I feel the need to be out and by myself. I pack my Bible, journal and pen, and whatever book I'm currently reading into my purse, slip my laptop into it's carry case, and I'm good to go. Smiler Once at the library I love to find an empty table, preferably by a window. I spread out all my books and things and between reading, journaling, thinking, and surfing the internet I can keep myself busy for hours. Not that I often get a chance, but. . . it's really nice. Smiler

I also used to enjoy wandering around art museums and galleries when I had a little free time and didn't want to spend much. Haven't done that in awhile.
lots of really good suggestions here. bike riding, hiking, driving with the radio on, book store, library, kayaking. are you familiar with meetups? those are a wonderful way to connect with others with your interests. just google meetup and you're pretty much in. those are all way i try to cope. i was divorced a year ago and have an 18 and a 16 year old and they are becoming more independent, which leaves more alone time for me which is not necessarily a welcome thing. quite the contrary, it's very, very lonesome. good luck in your search. the possibilities really are endless if you're open to them.

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