It's good to hear from you, it's been a long time. Sorry for what you're struggling with. I understand you struggling with the feeling you're cheating, as I definitely dealt with that for awhile, but I've been very open with my husband about what's been going on (he's a really good guy and has always been supportive of therapy.) After I saw my T and told him about the growing attraction the first time, I told my husband about it the next morning. I wasn't yet seeing my T individually, my husband and I were seeing for marriage counseling, and he was my husband's therapist first. I felt really uncomfortable about the thought of sitting in a couples session and having my T and I know how I felt and my husband not knowing about it. It felt very unfair and if things were reversed, it would really bother me. My husband has been pretty good about it, mainly because he trusts me and trusts our T even more. I do tend to hedge about the intensity and the level of obsession but we've been pretty open about it all along and have actually discussed the situation with all three of us in the room.
I recently borrowed a chenille spread (and ended up buying a replacement so I could keep it) from my Ts office that had a significant history for me and pretty much dragged it everywhere with me. My family took to calling me Linus.
One night was I was especially upset, I actually came to bed with it wrapped around me. OUr next couples session, my husband made an offhand remark about it and I thought we slid past it, but my T brought it back up and asked my husband how he felt about it.
It was a decidedly uncomfortable discussion to say the least especially when my husband said it was almost like having the three of us in bed together. My T quite calmly acknowledged that that must have been weird. I was mortified and felt really bad but as we continued to discuss it, it became clear that my husband really understood where it was coming from. He even asked my T at one point if he snored!
I ended up calling my T and spending most of our next session discussing it so it turned out to be a really good thing.
Only you can decide if and when to let your SO know about your feelings but I know that I often underestimate what my husband can handle and how he'll react. Life is much LESS complicated with him knowing what's going on.
As far as the cheating, I think it comes from the fact that often our relationship with our T is more intimate because they are inherently safer. I will tell you that as I have grown closer to my T it has led to my getting closer to my husband because I am learning from my T how to do so. And that I'm not cheating because my T has those boundaries and none of these feelings will ever be acted on. That has allowed me to examine them and see what I believed about attraction, my sexuality and intimacy. But that doesn't mean it doesn't get seriously confusing.
I racently hit the weird realization that for a long time I think I've been concentrating on wanting the relationship so badly with my T because he won't leave. But the person I'm really scared of losing is my husband. I really love him and don't want to lose him both of which are hard to say.
I think its a very healthy sign that you no longer want to segregate these parts of your life. I know for me that I spent so much of my childhood hiding my real self that's its become very important to me that I don't have to hide anymore.
But I am wondering about your Ts reaction. Working through your feelings about something this complicated is exactly the kind of situation you would need your Ts help for. And he should be able to discuss any and all of your feelings for him (I certainly know that's true of my T but I must say that he really is amazing at handling this stuff). I don't think there would be anything wrong with talking to your T about your confusion and sense of abandonment and that you feel like you need his help to work through your decision.
For me, his actions would really trigger my sense that I was unacceptable unless I came back with the right answer. NOT a feeling I want to get from my therapist. Please keep talking about how your feeling, this is a good place to be able to talk about your feelings and sort through it. I'm very sorry for how difficult this all is!