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I've been seeing her for a little over a year and I used to love her when I first started seeing her. I had many traumatic things happen to me in hospitals, so whenever I even drive by hospitals now I get super anxious, and you can forget even going inside one. I'd pass out. She would try to get me to tell her about the hospital, but I would get very worked up and not be able to. She helped me get it out by sitting on the floor with me and rolling a tennis ball back and forth with me, and it really helped.

Things like that are what I miss. Now I feel like she doesn't even care. I had to go visit a friend in the hospital the other day and it was just awful; I was freaking out so much on the inside that I threw up in the bathroom. I started to talk with T about it and she asked me why I was so anxious about it. I said, "Because I guess I'm afraid that being inside, I'll somehow have to stay and be admitted again, which is my worst fear." Showing no emotion whatsoever she said, "But you're healthy and you were a visitor." I thought it was some sort of grounding technique so all I said was, "I know." And then she was like, "You just psych yourself out when you're there. Try breathing exercises."

I told her I had flashbacks. She didn't even ask what happened in the flashbacks like she used to. I told her I threw up. She simply said, "Anxiety can do that to ya." This is upsetting me so much. I don't want to find a new T because I really, really like how she used to be. I'm trying to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that it's because she just found out she's pregnant and that's giving her mood swings, but she's been different like this for at least 3 months now and she's only a month and a half along. I miss how she used to make me talk with her about it, and now it's like she doesn't care and doesn't think it's that big of a problem. What should I do?
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Hi Rachel,
Welcome Welcome to the forums. My advice would be to take this post into your session and talk directly to your therapist about these feelings of a shift in treatment and how it is making you feel.

There are a million reasons why your T is changing her approach with you. It could be that she doesn't feel like you need as much containment (my T doesn't take care of me as much now as he used to because I don't need as much help.) Think of how we spoon feed a baby but wouldn't spoon feed a seven year old. There could be other clinical reasons. She may not realize she is doing it. It might be something that has nothing to do with you.

But like most of us, (if this were an Olympic sport I would hold at least three Gold medals Big Grin) you are reading into her behavior, assuming it must be about how she feels about you and making guesses about how she is feeling and then trying to make decisions based on what you think she is thinking. The only way to really know what this is about is to talk to her about it so she can explain what it is about. I think you would have a much easier time deciding what to do if you understood better why this is happening. It's a good way to sort out our stuff from our T's.


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