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Hi all,

I'm back from my vacation and slowly getting caught up on all the threads I missed. My vacation was both good and bad and difficult. I spent too much time with my family, my mother and my sister, and I saw one of my abusers at the wedding I went to. I spent a lot of time triggered.

Last week I went to my regular session and vented for 45 min without letting my T get a word in and then asked for another appointment last week. I was lucky he had an opening I could make and so I got to process some of the things that occurred with my sister. My sister is like my mother and is in denial about anything negative. She doesn't notice her kids behaviour and everything is "kids will be kids" or oh well. It was exhausting being around her kids because she has never told them No. My parents were really strict and didn't have any awareness or interest in our emotional states. My sister appears to be the opposite and is completely permissive but is equally unaware of her children. It is scary because she has a huge blind spot about her children. I told my T I was worried that I had a blindspot too.

Today my T wanted to talk about how seeing my abuser made me feel. It was so painful. I am ashamed about some things I did when I was a teenager and really confused. I think I'll write more about that in the sensitive forum so I don't trigger people here. The end result is I feel awful and I don't think T understands why. I may not be responsible for what happened when I was a child but I'm more responsible for what happened later. I would write my T but what could I say. "you don't understand how bad I am, you don't understand that I'm just as bad now". It wouldn't help.

This is so hard and I have to wonder why I'm talking about it at all. I can't change what I did. I doesn't help me fix my problems in my life today. At the end T thanked me for going there and I just left,no thank you, no connection, just confusion.
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Im sorry you are feeling heard or understood by T. I do think you should bring this up with T. Say something like, "Lately I haven't feel understood in therapy". I think it could lead to a productive dialogue and hopefully T will put more effort into understanding.

A few months ago I felt that my T wasn't understanding how traumatized by my divorce I was. I had to spell it out for her and tell her that she wasn't getting it. And now, she finally gets it but I really had to pretty much smack her upside the head until she finally went "Doh, maybe this is why you are bulimic again after all these years". no shit, Sherlock. My divorce set me back big time. I don't know why she didn' get it when it was so obvious, but I'm glad that I finally had that convo with her where I spelled it out.

I know it can be frustrating when our Ts don't get something so obvious. Its like, "how can they possibly miss this???" but sometimes they can be dense. I hope you try getting through to her before you give up on her. She may surprise you with her ability to finally get how big of an issue this is for you.

My trip was difficult and I was disappointed because I was also going to spend time with the family member I am closest to (a cousin) who is about the only one who I can relate to in my large dysfunctional family. Of course we are always considered as the negative, dramatic, overly sensitive ones by the rest of the family. Yes I know my sister has huge blind spots. It was impossible to survive our childhood and not have them but I don't usually spend so much time with her and her kids are the same age as mine. My older sister also triggered me badly when her kids were younger but I didn't have any kids of my own so I just learnt another version of what not to do by watching her parent.

I could write my T but I feel like there is no point. I know my T understands and has empathy for me and my experiences with my f**ked up family as he referred to them today. We've discussed the fact that I feel wrong or bad before and I can't see any reason to tell him more. Of course in the back of my mind is my fear that if I keep talking about it I will convince him and that will be worse than feeling misunderstood.

LG. I wasn't clear with my earlier post. It probably isn't that he doesn't understand me but more likely that he doesn't agree with me. Unfortunately I get left feeling like I'm wrong for feeling the way I do and I should just stop which is impossible. It hurts and talking about it seems to make it hurt more and I just feel like I don't get to keep talking about how I feel because I'm wrong for it.

Thanks for your responses.
Thanks for understanding DF. I am ashamed. I've got this week off work supposedly to get my house in order before the new year starts off but today I'm been moping and crying and arguing with myself and calling my T to hear his voicemail and checking the boards. I've even spent time researching symptoms of incest/abuse. I think I would rather believe I'm a liar who makes everything up to get attention than to believe it happened.

thanks for the gentle wishes,
Oh, ok, now I have a better understanding. I am sorry you are feeling like you are wrong. I can imagine that doesn't feel very validating when he disagrees with you. It sounds to me though that he is trying to get you to see you through his eyes, which I'm thinking is probably a better version than what you see. My T does the same thing. I know she means well, but I end up feeling like she has no idea how much of a failure and total screw-up I am.

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