I told him I felt the same way about my relationship with him. When I'm writing him an email or I am thinking about what to say in a session I feel like I can trust him and I can tell him what is bothering me. When I sit down on the couch in his office and look at him I feel completely different. I don't want to say the wrong thing. I think carefully before speaking. I am afraid even though I know the fear is irrational.
Today during my session my T didn't even mention my email. I started by taking about my 8 year old's current habit of waking twice a night because he is scared of being alone. Then he asked me about eating even though I told him I'm don't want to talk about it because it is too hard. I don't think there is anyway I can stop being scared of my T because the fear isn't based on anything he does or has done. Rationally knowing he is trying to help me doesn't make a difference. Neither has discussing that he cares about me or thinks all my experiences are important. I am just stuck.