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I truly hate when payday comes anymore. I have no money ever. I've paid my bills that are urgent whch leaves me with nothing left and still some to pay. I bust my butt working two jobs and still have nothing left. I feel like such a loser. My partner wants to do things and I never have money. Blasted bills!

On top of this, I haven't seen my t in 5 weeks. She comes back today from her vacation. It's been a long 5 weeks and to tell you the truth I'm still a bit angry on how she left things with me. First I didn't see her for two weeks because of her family emergencies. Then on the 3rd week she says, oh I forgot to tell you about my vacation. I'm leaving tomorrow and won't be back until the 22nd. Sorry things have worked out this way. I'll see you on the 27th. It hit me hard when I read the e-mail and then I got angry. Now it will be 5 weeks, I'm angry with her, and I don't have a dime to give her towards what I owe her.

I have other bills outstanding that I can't pay and they just keep piling up on me. And they wonder why people throw in the towel? This life really sucks. Work and work and still have nothing. I am so tired of this all the time.

Anyone else tired of this crap?
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Smiley - you described my life! Payday today for me too....and nothing left for this gyrle. I still have to put gas in the car, and would like to eat for the next two weeks, (as well as wipe my ass Wink
My T left this morning for a 10 day vacation. I met with her yesterday for 2 hours, and it was a completely miserable session. I cried the whole time, and felt like a child being reprimanded. I won't go in to details, but I cried for many many hours last night, and feel a bit shattered and heartbroken this morning. The next 10 days may be extremely difficult, and I had hoped we would work this out before she left. This attachment is killing me.
((((smiley)))) I'm sorry. I don't have regular paydays myself right now, contributing nearly nothing to our finances since my childcare business has dried up, so I can relate to those feelings. We skipped our mortgage payment in July and are having to do so in August too while in a modification process. It is the first time I have ever been late on a bill and my H is miserable over it. Since my therapy is costing us over $800 a month, I feel like it's pretty much all my fault. Frowner I'm sick of being sick and having it affect my family.

I'm so sorry you had such a big break from your T and so unexpectedly. I would feel really disregarded to find out that kind of thing over an email, especially with so many last minute cancellations. I hope you're able to tell her what you're feeling and work through it in your first session back. Sending lots of thoughts and prayers your way.

(((GG))) (((DF))) Sorry that finances and therapy are torturing you two as well.
GG DF YAKU Thanks you guys. I'm glad I'm not alone in this. I too still have to put gas in my car and that is enough to make me broke right there. I still have to buy my cigs too. Sheesh! It just doesn't end. I hope things get better for you folks too!

GG - Wipe your ASS ROTFLMAO Big Grin pretty funny! Even though I know it really isn't. Thanks for reminding me.

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